Last Friday the gang went out for dinner for Brooke and Kelli’s bday. I went to see Yoni’s show later on. Then met the remaining gang members who were trying to party. We really really tried. Sat night Jess threw a month late French themed bday party. It was an early evening affair and there was a lot of wine, cheese, and the like. I enjoyed my share of wine. Chatted up some people, broke a vase and rode back to Brooklyn. Met up with Nato and Mira and went to this sweaty dance party around the corner, which was also Bastille Day themed. It was a wild night. The next week I worked at the ad agency again, but still managed to squeeze in the usual going out routine. By Friday I was beat and passed out watching tv. Sat I met everyone for breakfast and we spent the day in the park and went to a hip soccer party. Then Gino had a BBQ. Sunday we got up and went up to Dia:Beacon. Then I hung out in the park again.