Welcome back faithful fans and friends! Still pretty busy, after a nonstop weekend with special guest Matt Blume, I have been trying to wrap up my work for the cute show as well as adjust to my new job. The new job/internship is going well, my confidence is growing slowly.

I am trying to land another internship for the summer at an art museum in Massachusetts — I am pretty sure I have it, but I will know for sure this week. It will be fun if I get it, like camp with art and design.

I read this diary by rock star graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister, realized he is kind of a loser, nonetheless it inspired me to type out my thoughts, just for record’s sake. It is hard not to try and sound smart and write what you are actually thinking… I started, but doubt I will keep it up:

27 Mar 2003
Read the Sagmeister diary twice today, which has in turn inspired me to do this more often. I have anxieties about writing my thoughts down, mainly that I will regret my thoughts in the future. I don’t think anyone ever looks back on the past and says “wow, I was so much wiser then.”

The positives are that I will force myself to articulate my thoughts. I think doing that should help me work through them and create new solutions. Also I want to be honest and share my thoughts with others, mainly my friends.

Sagmeister has regular thoughts…he wrote about art a lot, yet he doesn’t ever refer to himself as an artist, nor mentions attempting art. In that sense I don’t think he is all he is made out to be.

28 Mar 2003
I need to make a list of what material items I essentially need. I like to think that I don’t have an excess of things. As I look around my room I see a lot of shit that I haven’t touched since I moved in — most notably art supplies. My most profound thought today was that I wished that when my pee splits, it would stay split, rather than come back into one stream. It is a goal that I will probably never attain without surgical alteration.

I am glad that I have attainable goals though. I have been thinking about people who don’t know what their goals are, not because they aren’t motivated, but because they don’t know what their passion is, or how to apply their passion to a specific career or role in life. Artists seem to have it easy in that respect. I know what I want to do — make meaningful art and design.

My mom is in town right now, we have been out to eat a lot, did some shopping, and we went to a Neil Simone play.

“It was awesome.” —Ruth Cassity

Some commentary about KU’s win from David Jaklevic:

Wee’s was all down at O’dells watching the game and getting krukity krunk off beer. Everywhere was packed like a porn star in a gang bang. When we won the place went ape shit, like an orangutan tossing its shit at a passing by goose. People just poured out onto mass street and everyone was driving up and down the street honking and drinking. People running through the streets jumping in and out of cars, madness, fucking madness and the cops seemed to enjoy the whole scene, no problems. This went on until two in the morning. As the girls got more drunk they started showing off their chests. I have seen my fair share of boobies, but I probably !!!QUADRUPLED!!! (emphasis on quadrupled) that amount last night.

I’m coming back to Kansas in a couple weeks. Namely to see a show that Matt Blume is organizing with about 20 other people. It is called Kallide. It is an expirement in music, video, and art. It is Monday, April 14th at the Granada. You should be there if you can. e-mail Matt Blume for more info.

Fan Mail

I just wanted to let you know that your weekly email is the only thing I have to look forward to in my life….if I didn’t have it, I’m not sure what I’d do, but it would probably require more self abuse. By self abuse I mean the kind with lotion that’s done in the privacy of your family bathroom, with the faucet running and when people knock on the door you tell them ‘just a minute’ and make some excuse as to how difficult acrylic paint is to get off your hands.
– Josh Lake