Tuesday, June 3 was my birthday. We had a pizza party at work for lunch and talked about trannies and other gross stuff. Later that afternoon I had a meeting with my employers to “negotiate” the terms of my full time status. So as of 28 years old I have officially entered the full time work force. Punching that clock! Coffee breaks. Tucking in the shirt.

That evening Dan, Jennette, Aug, Karyn, Kelly, Brock and Jeff joined me at Cheers Thai restaurant for a pleasant dinner on the patio. I received some books as presents. Had a nightcap at Metropolitan. Nice birthday. My mom sent me a check for $50 and some cookies.

Thursday Darren arrived and we went for some real Brooklyn pizza and a couple of brews.

Friday Dave and Sam arrived. We ate, then drank all night.

Saturday we went to the horse race. We woke up and realized the heat was furiously waving at us. We were pretty slow going on account of the previous night. We ate a piece of fruit and rallied the gang to the LIRR to head out. Ok it was hot, but I enjoy the off-peak commuter train. Maybe this would all work out. Get to the track. It’s hot. The floor is sweating. There’s really no good place to chill out. The lines for everything are so long. The line for the bathroom is too long to even consider getting an $11 beer. The people there are pretty obnoxious. In spite of all this, I’m glad I went and all the dudes seemed to be glad to be there. Everyone was all amped up for this Big Brown horse to win a third hat, but he was dead last. That’s when I realized why everyone was so into this stuff. Gambling. That makes most ridiculous activity sensible. We get on the LIRR back to the city. These terrible people were standing in the aisle next to my seat. They were yelling and saying really stupid stuff like “yeah, that’s how I roll,” “I will literally buy you dinner if we don’t have eat chinese food,” “yea, I love Rachel Ray! I love those drinks! I’ve made those drinks!” I wanted to kill them, but I don’t think that would have stopped them. We got back to the city and everyone was a zombie. We got some BBQ then met Mike at a joint in the neighborhood and had a few beers before calling it quits.

Sunday and Monday were pretty hot as well. I had dinner with Jess I ordered an AC on the internet which is to arrive tomorrow. It has since cooled off outside, but I suspect it will get hot again someday. I beat the heat by going out to dinner with Jessica both nights.

I was wondering if maybe I’m a morning person. That could be the reason I get up in the middle of the night every night. I like to wake up?

Amazing Stories: Season 1: Disc 1. Goofy. For kids. From the 80s.
Ishi, the Last Yahi. Manifest Destiny.

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