Tuesday I got up early on my own accord and met Jeff to help him move some of his stuff out of his crime scene Bushwick apt to his new nice place in Greenpoint. We had some breakfast at EAT and then I was off to the Social Security card office to wait in line for a little over 2 hours.
Wednesday Jessica, Jeff and I went to Coney Island for fun in the sun. We got in the Atlantic, drank some wine and champagne, and I got me a bit of a burn.
Thursday I met KR in the morn and we went to the car rental place to get the mini van that was to deliver us to the Catskills for the 4th of July jamboree. Sponsored by Coors Light, the weekend was a complete freakout. Got up there and inspected the grounds, had a nice little dinner and wrote a play around the dinner table in anticipation of the arrival of van 2. It was a 3 scene music driven plot based on the true story of 6 young adults driving to the Catskills. Just as we were to do our final dry run, van 2 showed up. We were running on pure adrenaline and forged on. It was a hit. A hit play! I was thrilled. Jeff thinks I’ve got what it takes. The rest of the night was dedicated to dancing, writing songs, and singing songs.
Friday morning we drank a bunch of coffee. Van 3 arrived and increased to the population to 18. We lazed around all day. The foodies made a big dinner. There was a campfire and we watched some amateur fireworks while singing just about every song that was on 90’s “alternative” radio. Late night we went for a dip in the pool and led a Freedom Run back to the chalet. We piled on to all that had tried to go to bed and didn’t lock their doors.
Saturday the troops rallied and we headed to Town Tinker Tube Rental Emporium. The River she was angry. We faced some pretty chilly and rough waters, but losses were kept to a minimum. Back at the chalet the tie dye buckets were set up and we littered the lawn in some incredible shirts. The dance party that night was pretty intense, with games, dance offs, sweaty shirtless trust falls. Another campfire that night, and another dip in the pool, and another streak down Rte 47.
Sunday we cleaned up and hit the road. I was wondering when I would crash from the weekend and the car ride was it. We made a couple stops including a disastrous gas up, and chaotic fast food joints. An old lady asked us if we were a church group. Jenn said we were. That night I met Jessica for a nice dinner in the West Village.
This week was our first at the new office. Still setting up shop. The space is really great, the neighborhood is hectic. I’m anxious to do some actual work. I’ve been to the local dive 2 times already and drank too many beers each time. Once my Social Security card arrived I went to the DMV to get a new license. Went through all the lines and was about to get that license and the lady was all, this passport is expired and I was all, yeah what of it. And she was all sorry dude. So I guess I’ll get a new passport, then get a new license. What is up with all these identification bull? It’s my constitutional right to travel and enter saloons without having to prove who I am. Today I went to the doctor for the first time in 7 years. He talked to me for about 5 minutes, sent me off to get my blood taken, and told me to go see another doctor. Then I purchased 3 pair of shorts.
Ping Pong. Japanese. About ping pong.
Clockwatchers. Depressing version of 9 to 5
Do Want
Emergency Fund
Driver’s License
Hot Plate
Country House
Renter’s Insurance
Artist’s Guide Vol 2
Gym Membership