Around 4:30 on Tuesday morning I must have heard a rustle or something cause I woke up and looked out my window and saw the bottom of 2 people standing on my fire escape. I immediately screamed at them and slammed my window shut. I figured it was crooks, but judging by the plastic cup left out there and some additional scouting, it was probably my neighbors hanging out. Still I didn’t like it, so I bought some renter’s insurance. It’s been on my to do list for some time now anyhow. Tuesday night I went for some Thai with Jessica. We took it easy as we were both beat from our respective Monday nights out. Thurs I met Kelly at the zipcar lot to get into a brand new Mazda and we drove out to Pennsylvania to meet our boss and the artist we are working with. We had a real nice day of hanging out. That night we watched a movie outside, then stayed the night in a fancily renovated old hotel. I took a bath and drank a bottle of wine and listened to the radio and wore a robe and slippers. I did all of these things because I’ve never drank a bottle of wine in a bathtub and then wore a robe. It wasn’t so bad. Kept me busy anyhow. On Friday we high-tailed it back to NY but took a few loops around the mountains and ate a lunch while looking at the muddy Delaware river. That night I met Jessica to see a movie, eat a very thin pizza and went out for beers all night, meeting Mike K and Mike OB along the way.
Then on Saturday we had a late brunch at NEK where Jeff served us. My breakfast tasted like tamales. Took a breather and headed over to Kelly and Brock’s for the make a Hit Book party. We did it. It really worked. I was really stoked on the outcome and looked at it so many times. After that, we had an ice cream and headed over to Jeff’s for a party. Now, there was a keg. And there was a mattress in the living room covered in a tarp. After a bit Jeff put some bags of potting soil on that tarp and pulled a hose out and made some mud. In his apartment. Then people got all down to their skivies and wrestled around. Inside Jeff’s apartment. I kept thinking “why is this happening? What is the point of all this?” Nontheless it went down and everyone got muddy to some extent and it’s totally documented.
Sunday I helped Jessica do some minor yard work. Then we ate some nachos. Then I met Mike K and Mike OB to see a comedy film. Then we went to a bar for good measure. I didn’t really want to get out of bed this morning.
I still haven’t gotten one of those apple telephones. I went by the store a few times, and there’s always a long line. I’m kind of apprehensive about the monthly cost as well.
Simpsons. Watched on TV.
Gonzo. Good doc on Hunter S Thompson.
Step Brothers. As expected.
The Decalogue: Disc 1: Films I – III. Polish
The Last Picture Show. Weird, good.