Monday I had dinner with MIke O’B and the boys. There was a large group of people at another table for a birthday. Nothing unusual about that. But then some of the fellas started in on some glee club singing stuff. It was weird the first time they did it, but they kept on going and we left when they were on probably their 5th song or so. We were pretty annoyed and also felt bad for the other people in their group. Especially the women accompanying the singing dorks. Also eating at the next table was Darlene from Roseanne. She didn’t have any snarky comments for the situation. We couldn’t hear what she was saying though.
After work on Thursday I went to the airport and went to Chicago for the weekend. Got in around 10pm and met Sam at this bar near the subway. Then Mark met us. We had a real time. Drank beers. Ate burritos. Drank another beer (probably didn’t need that last one). Came home late and Bethie told us what time it was.
Woke up fairly early on Friday and went to meet Scott downtown. We had a nice breakfast and then took part in the boat tour of Chicago’s fine architecture. Our docent was super into it. He talked a mile a minute and tried to make it all dramatic, really embracing the whole thing. He did some throat singing to introduce the Sears Tower and at the end pulled out a harmonica and did a blues number with architectural references in the lyrics. We had some dinner in Chinatown that night and met Phoebe in Bridgeport to see some art gallery thing and have a few beers at one of the local watering holes.
Saturday I got up early and walked across the street to the Apple store to purchase one of their phones. There was hardly any trouble, except that my bank card had expired that day and I had to go get cash from the bank. I fiddled that for a little bit and so far I have to say that I don’t like it… I love it! I had a really big, gross slice of pizza and we went to watch the Cubs game. Great ball game conditions that day. Perfect weather, our seats were shaded. Beer was cold. Did some sightseeing around the millennial park and checked the crowds for lollapalooza. Went up to Mark and Adelle’s hideout that night and had a breezy cocktail while Mark showed me some stuff in his apartment. We all went to a mexican joint and had a leisurely dinner along with a lot of margarita. It was little past 11 when we finished. Scott and I attempted to go to a honky tonk bar, but there was a cover and it seemed fairly obnoxious in there. Plus we were both pretty beat and full.
Sunday I hopped on a plane again and was back in NY.
Monday Jenn and I went to the West Village to partake in Willow and Aug’s house sitting splendor. We picked up a sixer and a bottle of wine on the way and a I was approaching the corner and this jogger splats right into me. We were like full on flat bodies against each other. It didn’t really hurt or nothing, but thankfully I had my wits about me to yell “fuckin a jesus man” at the dude. I didn’t even get a look at him. I think he said sorry and scrambled off. So anyhow, we had a nice dinner and chatted. Then I met up with visiting Brooke and her people at Heather’s. We drank and when it got too loud there, we drank somewhere else.
Nashville. Robert Altman. 1975. Really long, watched in pieces, will have to view in one sitting some day.
Pet Peeve
People calling sandwiches “sammies” — wouldn’t it be “sandies”?†