On Thursday Jen and I were leaving work and some fellows with cornrows selling poorly done “graffiti paintings” declared us “hipsters!” after we walked past them. Cripes. I have no qualms being a part of the hipster camp, but for some slob on the mean streets of SoHo (across the street from the Apple store) to go out of his way to make me feel bad for wearing a completely normal (blue jeans, plaid Abercrombie dress shirt, gray shoes) outfit is just so ridiculous. No scarf, kerchef, Ray Bans, dunks, or anything! They must keep real busy calling out every hipster that walks by. I gave them a very pointed middle finger and told them to “get a job.” They said something back, but I didn’t hear what it was… I’m just glad I said something. What if they walked past me and I said “gangstas!”? Right. I wouldn’t do that because I’m a classy hipster. That afternoon we took a train up to Beacon and it was really nice to walk around in the woods and drink a couple of Coronas while looking at the Hudson River. Picturesque enough?
Friday I made spaghetti, cleaned the bathroom, and organized the closet!
Saturday I bought an ELO record and walked around Williamsburg. It was intense. When I got home I answered the phone which derailed my attempt to stay in all weekend. Met Aug and Jeff at the David Byrne thing. The line for the actual show was too long, so I just went straight to the reception. Of note: David Byrne waits in line for his hot dog like everyone else. Then the Hoveys had an over the top party including more beer.
China: A Century of Revolution: Disc 2 & 3. Hard living.
The Savages. Depressing, funny.
Gangs of New York. Good.
The Taming of the Shrew. Gibberish.