Still working on this book. Want to finish! Jake and Alison came to visit. They stayed at my place and did their own thing for the most part. Thurs they came in a little late so we had a dinner at NEK and got acquainted. Friday we went to dinner and some bars and a party. Saturday 165 Withers hosted the barter party. It seemed to be a success. I should have asked for “more time.” I read recently that is basically what everyone wants. Do you have free time? I don’t think I know anyone who is idle anymore. I used to be, but now I’m not. I like an unplanned day here and there. Tried to go somewhere kinda nice in the city for dinner, but man everything is too crowded. Should have gone somewhere in Brooklyn. Went to more bars that night too. Sunday I was exhausted but had to work some. Then real real nice dinner at Diner. That is a good place to eat. I keep forgetting. Tuesday night I went to see Nato launch a book, then out for drinks and no dinner. I was totally ruined on Wednesday.

Also I bought some shoes. It was a whole ordeal. Went to one store, tried on the shoe, a 10.5. Fit nicely. Debated and went to buy them and checked the other show — it was a 12. Well dang it. They were on sale and the shopkeeper didn’t really seem to offer any solutions. Attempted to buy these shoes on line. Ordered them from a store in Seattle but they emailed me back and they were out of stock. I emailed the person that makes the shoe and they referred me to 3 other stores. One of the stores said they had a pair, so I went there to buy them. Opened the box and yep there was a 10.5 and … a 12. Separated at birth shoes. I really had to do a bunch of phone calls and emails to reunite these babies. Usually I would just let something like this go, but I wanted customer service. I really wanted to spend some money and these people barely cared. I think if I ran a store or something, folks would say — now that’s some service! Anyhow I finally got the shoes. Took 3 weeks or so. Just waiting for the snow to melt and the ice to be washed away before I wear them.

The Fall. Fantasy kind of stuff. Couldn’t decided if I liked it, but was charmed at points especially the very end.
A Man and a Woman. French. Described as trés cool, but cool as in mellow I think.

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