Brock made this video for FEAST. We’re trying to raise a little money to cover the operating costs for the year. I hope we reach the goal. If we don’t we don’t get any of the $ pledged.

So the weekend before last, Liana had a party. It was fun. Sunday I went to Kristen & Yoni‘s for a pizza festival. It tasted good and was fun.

I was stuffed up all last week, but I nipped it pretty good using sleep and various pills.

Friday I went to a party in Williamsburg. It was full of cool people that were almost too cool to have fun. They liked getting their picture taken. It was okay though. Saturday night I went to an opening at Artist’s Space. (Wow that triangle on their site is obnoxious!) Saw some cool stuff like Ray Johnson letters and a photo mural of Burrough’s bunker apartment. Sunday I had a few people over for lasagna. It was good and I hope to continue the practice of hosting guests.

The Lady Eve — Rented this cause I like Henry Fonda. Was okay.
The Apartment — Jack Lemmon & Shirley MacLaine in what was advertised as a funny version of Mad Men. Good movie.
Together — Non stop action in a Swedish commune. Recommend.
Alice’s Restaurant — Pretty good movie about that long ass Arlo Guthrie song.
Weeds Season 5 — This show is a waste of time. I do like depictions of gang culture though.
This Emotional Life — Watched online. Episodes 1 & 3 were the best. Overall pretty interesting. The big takeaway: you need social interactions.
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln — Watched online. Terrorism way back when.

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