Washington Square Park. Around 2 in the afternoon on a weekday. Totally packed!
KR and I did a little research trip to various toy stores around the city. Toys—they’re all junk.
A few of us from work went to this warehouse in NJ last week where they have all this vintage plates and stuff from restaurants, diners, and hotels. Lots of great type. Why don’t restaurants have personalized plates anymore?
The other weekend, Sandman, Willow, Aug and I took the train up to Brewster and rode our bikes back towards NYC on this long trail. The first half was really pleasant. Then it more hairy the closer you get to Gotham. Pretty fun and I sure was tired at the end of the day. 60 miles in all. I wore my special shorts. The night before that I went to a party with Dan. It was at a semi-famous artist’s studio. There was free food.
Last Tuesday I went to an opening with Aug at MoMA. We skipped the art and had cocktails in the garden. On Friday I went to E River Bar to see Ryan C off to California. Saturday there was a potluck. I brought cornbread. Sunday was real nice and Aug and I went to this comic zine thing.
I bought some exercise DVDs and have been jumping around in my apartment most every night.
For All Mankind — really incredible doc using NASA footage of the Apollo program.
Happy Go Lucky — okay. I was hoping it’d be amazing.
Revolutionary Road — the actors from Titanic. But not on a boat, and fighting a lot.