Dear blog, what a crazy night i had last night, i watched this movie with val kilmer called spartan it was quite the action adventure thriller. i don’t want to spoil it, but he doesn’t die at the end. then i watched some more tv and then i went to a couple of bars. Only in New York!!! that is right television and beer. The culture is overwhelming sometimes.
If you find that you are lagging in conversation at the dinner table with your family, get a regular bowl (any vessel will do) and fill it with suggestion topics. These little slips of paper are quite useful and at times magical. Be sure to promote positivity in your suggestions, stay away from topics of sexual nature and/or bathroom humor.
Things I worry about:
-Will my favorite bar change when those luxury condos get finished?
-Is it healthy to be home alone all day with little or no human contact?
-Will I ever get sick of pizza?
Today I am wearing some shoes I bought off the net:
and a grey hoodie, a shirt from wal-mart that has a big monster truck on it that and says UNSTOPPABLE in lettering that looks like diamond plate. and some old jeans that should be retired. They are getting pretty holy. praise god.
Would you like to go to a party with a motivational speaker? How about a motivational stripper? That is some next level shit.
good night, matt.