Graffiti from the Montauk gazebo. There was some other stuff about “locals only” and “fuck over-privileged out of towner summer visitors.” Why you people got so many damn hotels then?!
Last weekend was the Montauk Ride. I rode pretty well. There were 17 of us. Only one flat tire near the end which is fairly miraculous. The highlights include: The map. You should see this sucker. What was I planning on doing without the map? The first 80 miles were pleasant. Nice, sunny, perfect temperature. Then it started getting cold and misty. My knees were killing me. I kicked it into high gear. Then I got to those damn hills at the end. Are we supposed to take Old Montauk Highway or regular Montauk Highway? We’ll never know. Anyhow I got to the hotel and had gone approx 90 miles, and couldn’t bear the thought of going to the lighthouse when it was too cold and trying to get up that super steep hill on the way back. So I started in on the Coors and did well with that. I’m feeling good now, my knees feel a little shot still (I wonder if I should raise my seat more), and my ass area is tender.
Before that (last Wednesday) was my birthday. I sent out one sparse email and way more people than I’d expected showed up. It was nice and I was happy. My drinks were bought for me and I was given lots of cookies and a kazoo trumpet and a yo yo.
The Bedford Incident. I really liked this movie. If your into military movies check it out.
Chop Shop. About these orphan kids in Queens. I wonder if it has any truth to it? If so, sad.
You need to raise your seat. I used to have the same problem.