Went to Los Angeles with Jennie the last week of March. It was cool, we did a lot of hanging out, driving around, eating, and observing stereotypes. My main goal was not to talk about the differences between New York and L.A. The main difference to me is that New York is better. Been working with my friend Dan for the water company. I think that is ending soon. I hate making websites. The other day August said that we could probably get by using myspace and flickr alone, and I think he’s right.

I have gotten into the habit of partying hard. I go out, have a few beers then I go into beer suck mode. Where I can’t get them down fast enough and before you know it, it is 4am and I have annoyed plenty of strangers. It is fun.

Today I went to an antique book fair. If you have a 1st edition of Charlotte’s Web, it might be worth $1,500, or a copy of Where the Wild Things Are, maybe someone will pay you $15,000 for that. Who knew?

I bought this pen tablet for my computer last week, It’s cool. I’ve decided not to drink pop anymore. I started riding my bike for exercise, but I already stopped sort of (it’s kind of cold again).

This was taken by the cobrasnake. It was at a men, women & children show at some crowded place in the LES.