
I have been working at an annoying office this week. The job is really boring, mostly resizing other people’s work. I don’t really mind cause there is no pressure on me and I am not doing the usual routine of making something half-way decent and then other people watering it down until it is shitty. The biggest issue I have with the job is that instant messaging is blocked. I miss chatting. How am I supposed to find out about funny websites? email? I don’t think so grandpa dinosaur.

Last night I went with Karyn to see Eagles of Death Metal. They weren’t that great. The whole thing was bizarre. The first opener was this band with cheerleaders and they thought they were funny (they were not). The second band was ok. Kind of reminded me of Soul Coughing, but rock. A few jackholes in the crowd started booing them and asking them to hurry up. One dude suggested that they shut the fuck up and go to hell. I thought “what the hell have you ever done?” EODM finally started, they were old, gay looking, and sort of rocked. I understood they are part of this half hearted rock revival, but they let on too much that maybe they weren’t sincere about it, and that turned me off. Especially since they seemed to convince more than a few people that they really rock, when they only act rocking. The same dude that was yelling early was now right behind me yelling “fuck yeah” every chance he could, and occasionally yelling “fuck hipsters,” and “fuck williamsburg!” (the neighborhood I live in). I finally turned around and said “are we in williamsburg?” and he looked to his friend real quick to get some support, then kind of laughed, then I said “are there hipsters here?” he was all yea, and I said we should “git em” and he agreed. He yelled less. I thought it was funny. Karyn was annoyed.

For lunch today I got three rectangular slices of pizza from a big sweaty man in a truck. Then I sat in a big plaza full of people wearing business casual gear. The sun was shining.
Pizza Truck

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