Friday, there was nothing to do. Me, Gino, and Peter sat around staring at each other until around 1am. I listened to some ska music. Finally I went to get a milkshake with Kelly, then I ran into some people on the way home and had a beer. Saturday I could not wake up, I was tired as soon as my eyes opened. I think I need more excercise. More than zero anyhow. The weather was real nice and even though I have a couple projects I need to work on, I decided I needed to drink beer all day and watch tv. So I did that, fell asleep, and didn’t make it out until midnight again. This time I went to two bars. Really cool.
I watched the super bowl over at my old apartment on Hope St. Matt Littlejohn cooked lots of little meat things and beans. The highlight was everyone doing the super bowl shuffle at halftime. Also this girls mother was there from virginia and she was partying big time. I imagine she is having a bloody mary about now.
Basically, I did nothing productive. Now, I go to work.