Diet Ginger Ale. This was pretty much undistinguishable from ginger ale. Maybe actual ginger ale isn’t so bad for you in first place…an enthusiastic review. I also got a Key Lime soda from Whole Foods. It was their own house brand. They don’t do other sodas or anything that has any “stuff” in it. Anyhow, this Key Lime soda had a boat load of sugar. Key Lime soda — too sugary! Also, quite a bit of coffee. KR brought in a coffee pot and we got us some beans ground up. Blammo! We got hot coffee in here folks. We been drinking the hell out of that stuff. I got the jitters a few times even. Yesterday I didn’t drink no caffiene and then I went home and made my dinner and phone calls and fell asleep at 8:30pm. And I slept the whole night through. I also have a new favorite breakfast; a couple spoonfuls of some plain ole yogurt, sliced up banana, and a dash of granola. Man, it really feels like your eating something special. Work has been pretty busy, but it’s so hard when there’s all this news to consume. The news and the politics and all of that seem so transparent to me, gaaah — it makes me so crazy. My main complaint, people’s alliance with the parties. Everyone is so hung up on us versus them bullshit to even remember what the issues are. Anyways…