No Sleep in Brooklyn

I am not sure what the deal is but it seems that off and on throughout my life I have had trouble sleeping. Last night I was up til 5am. It is not uncommon for this to happen maybe 3 times a week. If it happens once and a while I don’t mind, but after a couple nights it kind of throws me into a shitty cycle of zombism. Anyhow, I got up today and was determined to finish this zine I’m working on and I go down to the local net cafe and try and print out my shit, the place is run by this carribean dude who always says shit like “my friend…” and goes on about being a musician or why American women don’t smile or some shit like that. Usually it is cool cause I just go and get my shit done and get out. Today his shitty printers wouldn’t spit out my handiwork. Everytime I was about to give up and leave, he’s all “my friend, it will work…” so I’d stick around. Anyhow I wasted 2 hours. Then near the time I was about to leave, this guy, who was wearing nylon jogging pants bends over and there was his thong hanging out. I was in shock. Why is this man wearing a thong? At what point in his encounters does he think that a thong is going to enhance his life? I am really confused.

Then at the pizza place there was this lady with her 2 kids and a baby. She was really mean to the kids smacking them in the face and being all “do you want some fucking pizza or not.” She scared me and the pizza guy. I was thinking, lady your kids are going to hit you back someday.