Brock’s masks and Kyle’s painting. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” —Kyle
I like this type.
Party crowd outside of my old apt.
Friday night I came home to find that my mouse trap had only injured and trapped my mouse. So I had to fill a bucket up with water and drown him. It really made me think about current events and stuff. Then I met up with Mike K. I’d seen that our old apt was advertised in this email about parties. We went and checked the old place out. It’s pretty much the same except there’s junky art and furniture and it was generally dirtier. Everyone at the party was about 19 or 20 and they wanted to party hard! It was only 11:30 and they were taking their clothes off and pouring chocolate sauce on themselves and chanting “fuck the police! from here to Greece!” I thought maybe they were doing so in some kind of parody, but no one else agreed. Then Gino met up and we went to a bar. Then I met up with Isom at the metal bar, where they asked me to leave. I think it was cause I looked like a yuppie, but they wouldn’t tell me why for sure. It took me a long time to get home that night as it was pouring rain and I was too boozey to be bicycling anyhow.
Saturday Kelly had a birthday party at her house where we made paintings. Then we went to a bar.
Sunday Karyn had a birthday dinner at a restaurant. Then we went to a bar.
If anyone asks, I’m going tell them my favorite Beatles album is Abbey Road and my favorite Beatle is George.
Bug. Turned off about a quarter of the way in. Looked like it was going to be arduous.
Small Town Gay Bar. Skimmed it mostly.
Two Guys and a Girl. Bad. Watched the first 20 minutes, then skipped to the last scene. The sound was terrible. I think they dubbed most of it.
In the Line of Fire. Tortured soul of a secret service agent.
Zelig. Kind of funny. Turned off half way through cause it was the same joke over and over.
Last weekend —
Conversations about Iraq event. Drinks.
Drinks on Mike K’s patio.
Hit Book on DM&J’s patio.
The Holy Mountain. Total phsycadelic freak out movie. I mean they were literally on drugs. The story didn’t do much for me, but the sets and production made it worth while.
The Power of Nightmares. This BBC doc that follows the source of the Neo Cons and Islam extremists. The DVD from netflix only had one episode on it. It’s only an hour. You can fit more than an hour on a DVD. Anyhow I watched the other 2 videos on google video. This pretty much reinforced a lot of ideas that I already had, as in the shit we’re presented is generally not the real case and we’re constantly operating in crisis mode. Russia! Iraq! Al Queda! SARS! Iraq! Pig Disease! … yeah ok settle down. As long as we’re stuck in freak out mode, there’s no time to wait.
The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg. Ah to be a poet. Chanting. Humming. Wearing glasses. Growing beards. Freaking out the squares.
Overnight. Whoa. This is about the fella that wrote and made Boondock Saints. Which I’ve never seen. Anyhow, incredible douche. I even read that the guy who made and edited the documentary on this goofball didn’t even put in a lot of the worst stuff cause he didn’t want it to look like a total hatchet job.
Little Lads. An undergound restaurant down by the office. I knew there would be one somewhere and I found it!
Shotgun Stories. One of these depressing indie movies. Why do they keep making them?
New bike.
Mike K holding a picture of Mike K 2001
Dyed eggs using vegetables and stuff at A&W’s. We deviled some of them. Then later ate Indian at Jackson Diner in Queens.
Eagle vs. Shark. That guy Jermaine from Flight of the Concords is in this. It’s kind of like a New Zealand version of Napoleon Dynamite.
My Left Foot. Daniel Day Lewis is a fellow with CP and does everything with his foot.
8 1/2. Supposedly one of the best films ever? I fell asleep. Thought Schenectady NY owed a little to this movie though.
Visitor Q. Totally sick Japanese movie that I had to turn off.
John Cale: An Exploration. Documentary about the musician.
Fawlty Towers: The Complete Set: Vol. 1. British comedy show w/ John Cleese. I almost thought maybe I’d rented a 9-11 conspiracy theory documentary when I first opened this.
Jean de Florette / Manon of the Spring. 2 part French movie. Good. Not weird. 4 hrs.
Over the Edge. Early 80s movie. Really only need to watch the last 15 minutes.
Tuesday I met Rich in Chinatown at this bar. There was a guy rapping and playing his marimba (at the same time). Then we got pizza. Then we went to another bar! I’d had a long day of cleaning the craft room and inhaling dust. So that kind of knocked me out for a couple of days. This is a no duh, but I really hate being sick. Especially when it was probably preventable. I was really draggin ass all week.
Friday Carolyn and I went to Pepe Rosso! and then to see the guy from the Mountain Goats do a solo show at the Society for Ethical Culture Concert Hall. Nice place.
Saturday I walked around Brooklyn. Did some drawing. Was served chili (spicy!) by Kelly and Brock. Went to Greg’s birthday party.
Harlan County, USA. Documentary about coal miners and striking and stuff in 1976. I can’t really take anyone with a thick southern drawl seriously & I find entire towns that rely on one business or industry to be always fucked. Is there a good example? Googletown?
Leonard Cohen, I’m Your Man. I stayed awake off and on for about 30 minutes of this one. It seemed to follow this format: The Edge and Bono saying some bullshit about Cohen, then someone who was about to cover a song saying some shit, then the performance of the song. I was more hoping for an actual account of who Leonard Cohen is. I guess I’ll just read his wikipedia.
Titicut Follies. 1967 documentary about a mental institution. Pretty awful place.
The Kite Runner. Very “dramatic.”
Friday I met A&W for some Vietnamese food in Chinatown. I had a half hour to kill, so I went to this bar Winnie’s prior. The place had a real cast of characters — Chinese guys playing touch screen. Old dressed up fellow drinking Bud Light over ice. 4–5 union guys screaming and yelling Frank Sinatra songs and talking about retiring to Flariduh. Anyhow we ate some Pho and other stuff. Then I picked up Gino and met Nato and Miranda at 7B to watch March Madness. Nick J, then Kelly R met us too. The highlight of the evening was the end of the Sienna game, when we all decided to pay attention for some reason and root for this unheard of team. They won, and it turns out this other fellow there at the bar went there, so he bought us shots. I think it took me a real long time to get home, and I may have eaten some cheese prior to going to sleep.
Saturday night Jen had everyone over to eat potluck style. Really great time! Lots of cheese and salads. Rituals were performed. A few of us went on to Daddy’s to continue the party. I didn’t recognize anyone there.
Sunday I spent the majority of the day in bed watching Warhol-related movies and documentaries. The thing I wonder whenever I see this Factory-era stuff — how did these people live? As in, how did they pay the rent and get by day to day? I think they either were born rich, sold sex, sold drugs, or just scammed money here and there. I assume they all had seriously cheap rent, cause there are always references to needing like $35 dollars for the month’s rent. I wonder if it would be great to live in a community of really broke people who just kind of accepted it and just “hung out” most of the day. It probably sounds much more romantic than the true scene, which was likely a lot of annoying people on drugs that were full of shit and complain too much.
Mr. Show Season 1. I’ve never watched this before.
The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai. Low budget Japanese movie. Not sure why I rented this, but the word “sexploitation” in the description is probably a clue.
Pie in the Sky. A documentary about Bridgid Berlin, one of Warhol’s friends. I realized I’d seen this already.
American Masters. Andy Warhol. Comprehensive documentary.
Flesh. Paul Morrissey directed / Warhol funded movie about a street hustler.
Heat. Paul Morrissey directed / Warhol funded movie about a guy that moved to Hollywood.
Friday I met Jeff and Nick J for happy hour at this bar Jeff “discovered.” Then met KR and Brock to see Yoni sing at Pete’s Candy Store.
Sunday I went to breakfast at NEK with Carolyn, then we went to a movie. Then, I met up with Aug, W, and Mike K for dinner at M Shang. Mike told us tales of travels in Israel.
Monday night there was a meet up at a bar to celebrate the future matrimonial union of David and Molly. The whole gang was there! Prior to that some of us went to Lodge for dinner. The 2nd best part of that night was getting some free beers. 2 at Lodge on account of Jen knowing a fellow there, and 1 at the bar on account of my charm.
Tuesday I bought groceries. Wednesday I went to an art opening and had Thai food. Thursday I had a couple of beers at a bar.
I’ve integrated my twitter on the right column over there. I’m pretty proud of that little bit of programming. That alone might be enough to keep me in the twit community.
I need a new bike. I kind of wish I hadn’t abandoned that last one I owned.
The Class. Inside a classroom in Paris. Was okay.
Tokyo! 3 shorter films set in Tokyo. Weird, but I liked.
Religulious. Just what I expected. I was hoping there’d be more debates where people really lose their arguments, but the best offered were blank stares.
Technical Issue: I updated my wordpress software today and I am noticing that I had multiple RSS feeds for this site. 13 of you are using the good one, and 5 aren’t (as far as google reader users go).
This is the good one =
or just put in your reader and see what it finds.
If you don’t even use a RSS reader — get with it!
I was coming home from the airport last week and this man in his 60s with a British accent was poking away at his Blackberry, then he got a call and told the person he’d be in later that night and that he had to go cause he was posting to Twitter.
So … I’m starting a Twitter Trial this week to see if I can find any use for it. If you’re a Twitter person, let me know. I’m called mattcassity on there.