Pics my mom sent for my birthday. 83–86?
Pics my mom sent for my birthday. 83–86?
Friday Jessica and I went to get some dim sum in Chinatown. I guess dim sum isn’t really my thing. After we ate I went a few blocks over and caught a bus to Philadelphia. A man sat next to me. He was eating what looked like spam and ramen noodles and he was reading a small book that I think was titled “The Laws of Power” — that’s the type of person that pays $10 to take a bus to Philadelphia. Arrived, got a DC at the local Wawa, took a short cab ride to Dave’s, which also cost $10. They got a nice place. Dave, Leslie, Mike and I shot the shit, drank some beers and went for dinner, went to more bars. Did a pretty thorough walking tour of the city’s bar districts. A chubby collegiate looking fellow drinking Mountain Dew and reading a graphic novel thought my ID was too shitty to let us in our final destination, so we had a few more brews on Dave’s patio and called it quits.
Saturday we ate at a hip brunch place. Mike and Dave tried the local meat loaf thing called scrapple. Watched some olympics that afternoon, BBQ’d, made a pretty decent rally to go to the Phillies game but were thwarted by our unwillingness to pay less than $50 per ticket. Went to an authentic bar called Ray’s Happy Birthday room. Saw people waiting in line for cheesesteaks. Went to some other bars, the best one being a few blocks from Dave’s place. After that I was so full of beers, that I went to sleep. I sort of woke up hearing Dave and Leslie quietly arguing about how Leslie didn’t think it was necessary to play the Wilco album at 5am. Dave’s usually makes a pretty strong case, but I was on Leslie’s side.
Took the bus back to NY on Sunday. This bus didn’t feature AC, but it wasn’t too terrible of a trip. Philadelphia — nice place. Met up with Jessica later that night. We were going to see Pineapple Express, but after reading the reviews thought that the Olympics would be a better watch. I thought it was too slow. I wonder what that swimmer guy was listening to on his ipod?
… The blogs say Young Jeezy or Emenim.
The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao. Good book, I had to gloss over the spanish stuff, lots of Dominican history stuff.
Monday I had dinner with MIke O’B and the boys. There was a large group of people at another table for a birthday. Nothing unusual about that. But then some of the fellas started in on some glee club singing stuff. It was weird the first time they did it, but they kept on going and we left when they were on probably their 5th song or so. We were pretty annoyed and also felt bad for the other people in their group. Especially the women accompanying the singing dorks. Also eating at the next table was Darlene from Roseanne. She didn’t have any snarky comments for the situation. We couldn’t hear what she was saying though.
After work on Thursday I went to the airport and went to Chicago for the weekend. Got in around 10pm and met Sam at this bar near the subway. Then Mark met us. We had a real time. Drank beers. Ate burritos. Drank another beer (probably didn’t need that last one). Came home late and Bethie told us what time it was.
Woke up fairly early on Friday and went to meet Scott downtown. We had a nice breakfast and then took part in the boat tour of Chicago’s fine architecture. Our docent was super into it. He talked a mile a minute and tried to make it all dramatic, really embracing the whole thing. He did some throat singing to introduce the Sears Tower and at the end pulled out a harmonica and did a blues number with architectural references in the lyrics. We had some dinner in Chinatown that night and met Phoebe in Bridgeport to see some art gallery thing and have a few beers at one of the local watering holes.
Saturday I got up early and walked across the street to the Apple store to purchase one of their phones. There was hardly any trouble, except that my bank card had expired that day and I had to go get cash from the bank. I fiddled that for a little bit and so far I have to say that I don’t like it… I love it! I had a really big, gross slice of pizza and we went to watch the Cubs game. Great ball game conditions that day. Perfect weather, our seats were shaded. Beer was cold. Did some sightseeing around the millennial park and checked the crowds for lollapalooza. Went up to Mark and Adelle’s hideout that night and had a breezy cocktail while Mark showed me some stuff in his apartment. We all went to a mexican joint and had a leisurely dinner along with a lot of margarita. It was little past 11 when we finished. Scott and I attempted to go to a honky tonk bar, but there was a cover and it seemed fairly obnoxious in there. Plus we were both pretty beat and full.
Sunday I hopped on a plane again and was back in NY.
Monday Jenn and I went to the West Village to partake in Willow and Aug’s house sitting splendor. We picked up a sixer and a bottle of wine on the way and a I was approaching the corner and this jogger splats right into me. We were like full on flat bodies against each other. It didn’t really hurt or nothing, but thankfully I had my wits about me to yell “fuckin a jesus man” at the dude. I didn’t even get a look at him. I think he said sorry and scrambled off. So anyhow, we had a nice dinner and chatted. Then I met up with visiting Brooke and her people at Heather’s. We drank and when it got too loud there, we drank somewhere else.
Nashville. Robert Altman. 1975. Really long, watched in pieces, will have to view in one sitting some day.
Pet Peeve
People calling sandwiches “sammies” — wouldn’t it be “sandies”?†
Passport photos 1998, 2008
Turns out I’m drinking Diet Coke nearly every day now.
Around 4:30 on Tuesday morning I must have heard a rustle or something cause I woke up and looked out my window and saw the bottom of 2 people standing on my fire escape. I immediately screamed at them and slammed my window shut. I figured it was crooks, but judging by the plastic cup left out there and some additional scouting, it was probably my neighbors hanging out. Still I didn’t like it, so I bought some renter’s insurance. It’s been on my to do list for some time now anyhow. Tuesday night I went for some Thai with Jessica. We took it easy as we were both beat from our respective Monday nights out. Thurs I met Kelly at the zipcar lot to get into a brand new Mazda and we drove out to Pennsylvania to meet our boss and the artist we are working with. We had a real nice day of hanging out. That night we watched a movie outside, then stayed the night in a fancily renovated old hotel. I took a bath and drank a bottle of wine and listened to the radio and wore a robe and slippers. I did all of these things because I’ve never drank a bottle of wine in a bathtub and then wore a robe. It wasn’t so bad. Kept me busy anyhow. On Friday we high-tailed it back to NY but took a few loops around the mountains and ate a lunch while looking at the muddy Delaware river. That night I met Jessica to see a movie, eat a very thin pizza and went out for beers all night, meeting Mike K and Mike OB along the way.
Then on Saturday we had a late brunch at NEK where Jeff served us. My breakfast tasted like tamales. Took a breather and headed over to Kelly and Brock’s for the make a Hit Book party. We did it. It really worked. I was really stoked on the outcome and looked at it so many times. After that, we had an ice cream and headed over to Jeff’s for a party. Now, there was a keg. And there was a mattress in the living room covered in a tarp. After a bit Jeff put some bags of potting soil on that tarp and pulled a hose out and made some mud. In his apartment. Then people got all down to their skivies and wrestled around. Inside Jeff’s apartment. I kept thinking “why is this happening? What is the point of all this?” Nontheless it went down and everyone got muddy to some extent and it’s totally documented.
Sunday I helped Jessica do some minor yard work. Then we ate some nachos. Then I met Mike K and Mike OB to see a comedy film. Then we went to a bar for good measure. I didn’t really want to get out of bed this morning.
I still haven’t gotten one of those apple telephones. I went by the store a few times, and there’s always a long line. I’m kind of apprehensive about the monthly cost as well.
Simpsons. Watched on TV.
Gonzo. Good doc on Hunter S Thompson.
Step Brothers. As expected.
The Decalogue: Disc 1: Films I – III. Polish
The Last Picture Show. Weird, good.
Got a call from my Doctor regarding my test results. Turns out I have pretty amazing cholesterol. He was pretty enthusiastic it seemed.
The weekend of the 12th Karyn and I followed Kelly and Miranda up to North Adams. The trip was bittersweet as we went to visit our friend who is sick. Got up there, took a dip in the old lake and went to Vaal’s house. There were a lot of people. We drank and told stories all night. Apparently I was “really drunk,” but I felt I was just as drunk as some others. Anyhow maybe I was too loud? I don’t know.
Wednesday was Poker Night at my place. Set up a big table that pretty much filled up my entire apartment. The stakes were low and everyone was pretty stoked when Jeff went out and got an entire chicken dinner. I won. NIck was returned his $5 as it was getting late and he still had some chips left. I picked up $20 on the deal, but $5 of that was mine, and I’d spent about $20 on beer and snacks. Nobody wins! Although there was a lot of beer left over. It’ll probably wait there til the next game.
Thursday Jessica and I went to a real nice dinner and to a bar that promised to be mini, although it wasn’t that small… but the bartender was. Friday KR and I went to check out the zine library at Barnard. It was nice, but mostly feminist slanted. I picked up some zines in the free box, but left them at the BBQ I attended post library at Marilyn’s.
Saturday I went to the beach at Ft. Tilden to celebrate Dan’s birthday (occurred 2 weeks prior). It was real nice there, and everyone was happy to be there as it was so hot and the ocean was totally cool. Went out for a couple of drinks that night with Jessica for Lily’s bday.
Sunday was band practice. We nailed a cover of Remix to Ignition. Is there a non remix version? And what does he mean by “Now It’s like ‘Murder, She Wrote’ Once I Get You Out Them Clothes”? I just googled it and there’s an Ignition, but it seems like a totally different song.
Monday night I met Isom for a few beers. We ended up going to a show in Bushwick. It was probably the hottest place I’ve ever been in for my entire life. I threw water on people and instead of being annoyed the asked for more. I was just pouring all over the fat sweaty bearded dude and he thanked me. I don’t know young people put up with such conditions and pay for it on top of it all.
Tuesday I got up early on my own accord and met Jeff to help him move some of his stuff out of his crime scene Bushwick apt to his new nice place in Greenpoint. We had some breakfast at EAT and then I was off to the Social Security card office to wait in line for a little over 2 hours.
Wednesday Jessica, Jeff and I went to Coney Island for fun in the sun. We got in the Atlantic, drank some wine and champagne, and I got me a bit of a burn.
Thursday I met KR in the morn and we went to the car rental place to get the mini van that was to deliver us to the Catskills for the 4th of July jamboree. Sponsored by Coors Light, the weekend was a complete freakout. Got up there and inspected the grounds, had a nice little dinner and wrote a play around the dinner table in anticipation of the arrival of van 2. It was a 3 scene music driven plot based on the true story of 6 young adults driving to the Catskills. Just as we were to do our final dry run, van 2 showed up. We were running on pure adrenaline and forged on. It was a hit. A hit play! I was thrilled. Jeff thinks I’ve got what it takes. The rest of the night was dedicated to dancing, writing songs, and singing songs.
Friday morning we drank a bunch of coffee. Van 3 arrived and increased to the population to 18. We lazed around all day. The foodies made a big dinner. There was a campfire and we watched some amateur fireworks while singing just about every song that was on 90’s “alternative” radio. Late night we went for a dip in the pool and led a Freedom Run back to the chalet. We piled on to all that had tried to go to bed and didn’t lock their doors.
Saturday the troops rallied and we headed to Town Tinker Tube Rental Emporium. The River she was angry. We faced some pretty chilly and rough waters, but losses were kept to a minimum. Back at the chalet the tie dye buckets were set up and we littered the lawn in some incredible shirts. The dance party that night was pretty intense, with games, dance offs, sweaty shirtless trust falls. Another campfire that night, and another dip in the pool, and another streak down Rte 47.
Sunday we cleaned up and hit the road. I was wondering when I would crash from the weekend and the car ride was it. We made a couple stops including a disastrous gas up, and chaotic fast food joints. An old lady asked us if we were a church group. Jenn said we were. That night I met Jessica for a nice dinner in the West Village.
This week was our first at the new office. Still setting up shop. The space is really great, the neighborhood is hectic. I’m anxious to do some actual work. I’ve been to the local dive 2 times already and drank too many beers each time. Once my Social Security card arrived I went to the DMV to get a new license. Went through all the lines and was about to get that license and the lady was all, this passport is expired and I was all, yeah what of it. And she was all sorry dude. So I guess I’ll get a new passport, then get a new license. What is up with all these identification bull? It’s my constitutional right to travel and enter saloons without having to prove who I am. Today I went to the doctor for the first time in 7 years. He talked to me for about 5 minutes, sent me off to get my blood taken, and told me to go see another doctor. Then I purchased 3 pair of shorts.
Ping Pong. Japanese. About ping pong.
Clockwatchers. Depressing version of 9 to 5
Do Want
Emergency Fund
Driver’s License
Hot Plate
Country House
Renter’s Insurance
Artist’s Guide Vol 2
Gym Membership
I guess I didn’t even mention in my last post that the air conditioner I ordered off of the internet was all messed up when I finally put it in my window. I sent it back to where it came from. I kind of don’t even want an air conditioner. Maybe I can survive another summer.
I tried to read this book called How to Cheat your Friends at Poker. But it was a total piece of junk.
Spent the week at work packing and dismantling the office. Putting stuff in boxes. Throwing stuff away. Running the drill and pushing a broom. Manual labor. Tiring but somehow felt good. The big move was on Friday. We stayed til midnight and did a lot of speculating as to what our lives will be like in the new office. Slept almost all day on Saturday and went to the Room for 2 beers late night, and then 2 more at Dove with Jessica and Co. We had to be in SoHo at 9am on Sunday to move the computers. We went for breakfast, then I wandered around until the hair cut place opened up. I got a real clean cut. Shortest hair I’ve had in some time.
I haven’t checked but it seems like it has been raining a lot. It’s raining as I type this. And it rained the night before. And the night before that.
I ate dinner at two restaurants last week. One Japanese, one Thai.
I have the whole week off of work. I am going to run some errands, do some shopping, go to the beach, draw, and go upstate for the 4th.
Taxidermia. So bizarre.
Persepolis. Graphic novel movie. Iran.
Salt of the Earth. Old movie about Miner’s strike.
The Taste of Tea. Same director as Funky Forest I think. Weird, but liked.
Houston and Chrystie: “I just got back from a family vacation. It’s a full moon and I’m PMSing.”
The Room on Sullivan: “Somebody tried to Ruffie my drink.”
Playground on Thompson: “I told you I’m magical. I make dreams come true!” (little kid)
Video shop in Park Slope: “Laurel and Hardey are out of date.” (guy proclaiming the glories of Little Rascals and how good they were to African-Americans because they didn’t use the N word)
Today I come home and twist the old knob on the stove and nothing happens. I guess they shut off my gas. No notification or nothing. I mean they must know my address right? I don’t think I’ll have it turned on. What really irks me about the gas company is that they have a $25 minimum charge no matter how little gas you use. I hardy use any (just the stove top) and I like my fancy convection toaster oven better than the gas one (it scares me). I’m thinking I’ll just get a 2 burner electric deal and call it good. I know it’s janky, but I’m making a choice as an energy consumer.
2 weekends ago I went to 2 birthday parties. First was Ari’s 30th. It was funeral themed. On Sat was Jess B’s birthday party in SoHo. It was nice, but I was getting too sweaty so Mike and I went off to some air conditioned bars. We drank pretty late, but I was under control. It was weird to walk around my work neighborhood in the middle of the night. Sunday I met Jessica and we went on a bit of a pub crawl around Brooklyn and Manhattan. Went to a macrobiotic place for dinner and it was really good.
Had a lot of trouble sleeping at the beginning of the week. Bought some pills called Melotonin and that seems to have set me straight for now.
Last Thurs we tried to go to Florent for dinner (before they close for good). There was an hour and a half wait just to eat at the bar, and I wasn’t even that hungry or really craving anything they have. Went for a beer instead, then to Rai Rai Ken for noodles. Friday I went to see Suckers and MIles Robinson at UP. Caught the last bit of this band Wild Yaks as well. All were great. Had a couple beers at Sweet Ups after. Saturday Jessica and I had a Parisian picnic in Battery Park. Wine, bread, cheese, cherries. Then went to Chevy’s for a novelty sized margarita… Joke was on us of course as they were pretty sugary and lacking in tequila. Then had some dinner at this soul food style place. Terrible iced tea and service. Sunday we headed down to lower Manhattan again to see the David Byrne organ thing. Pretty cool. Then we hopped on the ferry to Staten Island to see a Minor League baseball game. It was like a real baseball game, but scaled down and all around cheaper. Stayed for 2 hours and had seen enough. Also very pleasant day. Then watched tv until my eyes turned red.
We’re packing all week at work. Everybody’s going crazy.
I need to get a new Driver’s License, SS card, and Passport soon.
Jeffrey. Not good.
How the West Was Won. Too long.
Lars and the Real Girl. Awkward.
Black Snake Moan. Was on HBO. Christina Ricci mostly naked.