Probably the highlight of my week is when I realize it’s Wednesday and there will be a new episode of Best Show up. “Whuuuuuuuuuuut?”

Prices are going up! It seems like everywhere you look prices are creeping up a little bit here and there. But I’m not getting paid anymore. What gives?

And, what’s the deal with rude people? Can we get some please and thank yous people? Is everyone mad that a pair of jeans cost $155 and a dang slice of pizza is $3?

Another thing — where is my package from London? My buddy Rich sent me a box of zines and t-shirts about a month ago and it hasn’t arrived? Where do these packages go?

I can’t touch my toes! I want to. I’m too scared to do yoga in public.

Taxes: Not done.

Recent Plays

The big night last week was Wednesday. Hama sent paper invites via the USPS for her birthday party, which required formal attire and attendance at Wiliamsburg’s newest, fanciest, cocktail bar. Put on my suit and met a suited up Gino there. We drank our birthday drinks until we couldn’t stand the hunger any longer and cut out to get some food. We popped in and out of a few places while muttering “get a job hipster” to passersby on the streets. In the end the suits didn’t create as much conversation as I had predicted, but I think maybe we got a free shot or two out of the deal. Friday I was on the prowl for some new jeans. All of the fancy stores don’t seem to keep my size in stock, so I stopped by the vintage place just in case. I tried a pair on and in the pocket was a $5 bill! Later on I met Mike at possible the worst bar in the world to watch KU b-ball. We lasted about 15 minutes there, and headed over to the sake bar and just checked on the score occasionally. Went to Luv and 151 later that night. Sat I hung out with August and we headed in to the city to meet Mike and go to Jamie’s dance performance. It was weird, but not raw. Got a couple beers at 119 and called it a night. Sun the guys got together and watched KU squeak by. Then we went to Mugs. Then I went to Heathers for a drink.

The Counterfeiter, Pretty good.
The Grand. Terrible.
Metropolitan. Ok.
Yi Yi. 3 hrs long!
Mad Men, Season one. Ok, nice sets and styling.

Weekly Menu Items
Salad (Romaine lettuce, walnuts, apple, parm cheese, mustard vinaigrette)
Rice and beans
Apples with Cheese
Peanut butter crackers
Cheese and crackers
Chick pea salad
Yogurt with bananas
Avocado sandwiches
Cranapple juice

Started off the week with a visit to Kelly and Brock’s new HQ. She made cake and coffee in the afternoon and we stared out of the window and listened to the radio. I felt like I was at my Grandma’s. It was nice, and made me a little homesick. Then I fixed her wifi. Heading back out to Bushwick on the J I saw this dude sorta beating up his baby momma while she was holding the baby they’d made. Everyone (at least a dozen people) just stood there watching. I said something to a cop on the platform. Apparently she was disrespecting the baby daddy. Then I went home and made a pot of beans for the week.

This week’s nightlife report has been flipped. I only went out on Tuesday night, first to the sake bar for a few beers and just one more at Whiskey Ward. Home in bed by midnight. Both Wed and Thur I fell asleep around 8pm and awoke around midnight. Weird sleeping patterns have re-emerged!

Friday a little after midnight I’d realized that the only person I’d spoken with that day was the man I’d bought a plant from in the afternoon. So I headed into the city to catch up with Gino. We crawled about the LES for a couple beers and a slice of pizza. Saturday I went to Mike’s to watch some hoops. We had dinner at Snacky, then met with NCAA superfans Nato and Mira for a beer at Savalas. It seemed everyone was pretty firmly planted there and there was no seat for me, so I hopped in a cab with Greg and went to Motor City for a beer. Then to close the sake bar again. Then onto Whiskey Ward. Sunday I went to the movies and ate nachos and fell asleep around 7pm.

Work has been quiet.

My mom was in Italy this week.

Film. With Extended Reviews.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
I thought I’d seen this, but I guess I’d only seen parts, pretty incredible.

Vernon, Florida.
Errol Morris doc, a portrait of good ole boys and old timers in Fla. Subtitles sometimes needed. Could easily make this movie in KS.

Mr. Hulot’s Holiday.
I don’t get it. Non-linear, no plot, not that funny to me. Subtitles come and go, and when they exist there wasn’t time to read them. I guess I don’t get all the inside jokes of the French 1940’s summer holiday culture.

Time Bandits.
I should make notes of why I add certain movies to my queue. I can’t think of what inspired this one. It seemed they realized half way through how ridiculous it was and tried to insert a couple of jokes, but it was too late. Watching the trailer after the movie made it even more confusing.

Home Movies.
This documentary about people that live in unusual homes. Boat house, tree house, retro-futuristic house, and missile silo house.

Silence of the Lambs.
I’ve only just realized that this stack of movies I’ve been borrowing from at work are all “best picture” winners. I’d never watched this one from 91 as I thought it’d be too scary. So I watched it on a sunny Saturday afternoon. I liked it.

Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train.
Documentary about the historian. Dissent is part of democracy. The government is messed up. War is for profit. No news there…

Top Concerns
Finishing t-shirt design
New contact lenses
Buying radio

Top Rapper

Cash Expenditures 3/27–3/23
Groceries, $36
Alcohol, $61.50
Dining out, $19
Plant, $12
Hardware, $8
Movie, $11.75
Diet sodas and chips, $7.25
= $155.50

Life Sans Internet (at Home)

A lot of people have literally gasped when I tell them I don’t have internet in my apartment. It has even developed into a new phrase “I’m going offline” meaning I’m heading home, where there’s no TV, radio, or net.

The truth is I have found a solution; setting my computer out the windowsill where the fire escape is. That sounds kind of romantic doesn’t it? Also I’ve made a joke that I can really only tell myself — “my Mac runs on Windows.” Get it?!

All this reminds me of the way back days of college when I would pay $5 for 30 min of dial-up per month. I’d get on, check my email and log off at a maniac pace. That’s basically all I need to do now. Other than that I run out of stuff I “need” to do online. Half of the time, I haven’t even gotten any emails and none of my subscriptions have been updated. I guess I can’t download TV shows and endless albums like before, but that seems to be lending to new habits. One is reading the Village Voice and other free weeklies. Harkening to my days in Chicago, where I looked forward to picking up the latest Reader on the way to work every Thursday. As this blog indicates, I’ve been watching way more movies. It is a bit of homework as people at work reference / recommend movies all the time, and I feel like I haven’t seen anything.

All in all, I still love the internet. But not having 24/7 access isn’t so bad. And I don’t think there’s any risk of ruining my reputation at being really good at the surfing the web.

Battled that chest cold for the remainder of the prior weekend. Made it out on Sat for dinner at Bozu, a drink at LL, then Iona, where we sat for a long time. Even still, people still wanted one more at the Abbey. I was thankful for daylight savings as it cut out 1 hour of being out and about in the cold. Meandered about the city the next day, caught a movie and ate a lot.

Another Monday happy hour at Botanica, followed by some swank joint called Temple, then the unswank 151 followed by pizza I’d imagine. Wed I went to Rai Rai Ken with Willow and Jen, met Gino for coffee, then drinks at M Shang, Bozu and LL. Thursday at the sake bar of course, and followed by Bob’s and 151 and pizza of course. Friday was Mike’s bday, we all ate at Northeast Kingdom (choice of pork chops or pot pies). Then to Legion for a few brews. I swapped Mike out for Gino and we went to Sweet Ups and got some mexican food at 4am. I am not sure how I could have been hungry. Saturday I met up with Aug to inspect his progress at the apt, we wandered around Bushwick and looked at stuff, drank some coffee, ate dominican sandwiches and listened to records. Later on to Legion again for the DMP organized Pisces party. The whole gang was present and some other people I hadn’t seen since 07 as well. I felt like I’d been there for way too long, so we hightailed it over to Bwick Country Club, which was shitty as I’d expected. Today I watched basketball at Mike’s then he, Gino and I went for burgers. I think maybe I should take it easy this week.

Sent the artist’s guide vol 2 off to the printer last week.

Keep the River on your Right (not bad)
Fat Girl (weird)
Million Dollar Baby (good)
Charlie Bartlett (ok)

Estimated Costs, Mar 7–16
Food and Drink, $185
Drink, $171

Started off another weekend at the sake bar. Business-as-usual. We entertained Mike’s friend Amanda who was visiting from Calif. After me and Gino made the trek through some terrible weather to 151, where we found only the losingist of losers hanging out so late on a terrible Thursday night. Alice in Chains was blaring. Epic Fail.

Friday was terrible weather again. I caught the bus and made it through some slush to see this band High Places and some other knob twisting music. I made a point not to get annoyed at the show.

Sat Night Dan, Mike and Lona met me at Brick Oven Pizza, after we went over to Mike’s to watch some high definition college basketball. KU beat KSU big time. I sort of watched another game on Monday night, but it was such a blowout by the time I got to the bar I didn’t really pay attention.

Tues the boys met up for happy hour at the usual spots. We tossed around some reality show ideas and some concepts for a bar. On Wed I started to gradually feel more and more sick, I thought it was allergies, but maybe it’s a cold. Anyhow, I’ve been in bed for about 36 hours. Hopefully I’ll get over it on Friday as Bop is in town for the weekend.

Color Me Kubrick. Ok
Jane Eyre. Ok
Pervsersion Story. Terrible
The Naked City. Great

Dry Cleaning

After a typical Thursday evening at the sake bar, Gino and I saw DJ Assault at 205 Chrystie. Apparently he’s sorta famous. It was fun anyhow. The next night was Miranda’s birthday dinner in Greenpoint—great food, wine and conversation (MLJ’s 3 barf stories) with several blogroll members in attendance. On Sunday Mike and Gino came to Bushwick for the tour. We all chimed in on Aug and Willow’s renovation progress, then headed over to my place for more open house action. That night we caught oscar fever, of which I was cured about 3/4 of the way through when I got bored an went home.

Wed night I saw a movie and went out for drinks and some food at Decibel. Then to Barcade before going home. It was colder than it’s ever been anywhere in the entire world. I guess Sam went to Mexico today and Jake went last week. I am jealous.

I’m trying to wrap up some projects this week.

I’ve been hearing a lot of groans about Nader since he’s announced his bid for presidency. I like him. I liked him in 2000 and I still do. I remember when I was in college and he came to speak. He spoke of how corporations are corrupting our government, that young people should be the catalyst for change, and of his core belief in the value of civic duty. Nader has a tangible history of helping America. He’s a consumer advocate, and a good chunk of my life is being a consumer.

The other candidates offer solutions on Iraq and health care. As for Iraq, I’m morally opposed to the war and believe it exists to make people in the right places rich, but it does not really have an affect on my life. I still go to work, drink beers and watch movies. Health care does affect me, but I have zero hope the candidates will improve it. They won’t meaningfully take on the insurance and drug companies that pumped money into their campaigns.

No matter who we elect we will still face unaccountably high taxes, expensive health care, and an inefficient government. Business as usual!

Ry Cooder, Paradise and Lunch

Tried to go to PS1 but I always forget they’re closed on Tues & Wed

Be Kind Rewind – Loved it!
(I think my new mail carrier has a personal vendetta against Netflix. Or my mailbox is too small.)

Also I’m collecting ideas for reality tv shows, email them to me please.

I went to see a taping of Letterman with Lona. The guest that night was Regis, then Joseph Arthur played a song. Incidentally I’d seen Joseph Arthur in Chicago way back when. I guess he’s famous now? Anyhow, I thought it was pretty funny and had a good time while Lona left underwhelmed. Dave’s warm-up before the show consisted of him talking about gum “do you like a good stick of gum?” which I was incredibly pleased to hear.

I’ve been bringing my lunch to work. I’ve considered starting a blog regarding this phenomenon, but decided it was too much work. Gino and I went on a rip of a roar last Monday and had fun, then we got up Tuesday and went to Ikea and had a miserable time. Kelly and I finished up a big project this week and felt we did a good job. Also on Monday—photographer Zoe Strauss came in to discuss the book we’re going to lay out for her. Everyone is excited about the project and we all talked for at least 2 hours.

Roy Orbison, Singles 1965–1973

Folk Art

The Ten
A Summer Place
Matthew Barney documentary
Romance and Cigarettes
not recommended:
Cindy Sherman documentary
Spiderwick Chronicles
Muscle Academy
Superstar, the Karen Carpenter Story

Blue and Gold
Tan and Brown

The Christmas party season started off with a bang at Dan and Jenny’s 11th annual cookie party. Other notable gatherings included the Leonard St household (after which me and Gino went to the new beer garden place and drank a whiskey too many), as well as Brian and Melissa’s. I didn’t make cards or anything, but I got one from Sam and Bethie in the form of t-shirt. Kelly also gave me a shirt (and a pizza gift certificate) for secret santa at work. On December 14th I switched from regular coke to diet coke. I haven’t looked back. I think I’ve had maybe 10 total so far. Also, 2 diet pepsis. At the end of the year we officially had crunch time at work, but that all seems moot now as we’ve missed our deadline by about 2 months. Also along the lines of missed deadlines, Sam and I put together another zine, but we’ve yet to send it off as I’m dragging ass on the t-shirt we are packaging with it. Anyhow, on the 24th I flew back to KS with some delays of course… but I made it in time for dinner and came away with a free flight voucher. Christmas at home was quiet. Jake had a beer party or two and Lake made a surprise appearance. I went up to KC with Sam on friday before my saturday flight and spent the afternoon with Matt Blume, then we met up with Wink, Brooke and her brother and went out on the town. It was really cold, but we made the most of the 3 block radius around Brooke’s apt.

Back to NY and scrambled to get everyone together for NYE. Mike rented a sweet buick and we waited for Jen to fly in and headed up late on sunday night only to be greeted by inches of fresh snow on the taconic parkway. We drove at about 30 mph in this surreal kind of “are we still on a road? … can you see anything … that snow flying at us is hypnotic” sort of vibe. I think we got to the party house at around 2:30, and dove right it. It all proved worthwhile. There was dancing, games, singing, eating and drinking. Everyone had a blast and new friendships were kindled.

When I returned, it was moving time yet again. Got all my stuff set up in my new place. It’s small, but I dig it. Aug and Willow will be my neighbors soon as well.

Other Notable Events:
Juliette’s party (candles, then glasslands)
Emily’s 30th (food, dancing)
Gino’s 29th (bowling)
Bronx Zoo (w Lona)

Live Music:
Vampire Weekend
Hot Chip
Glass Candy / Chromeo

There Will Be Blood

Shopping List:
Plates & Bowls
Spatulas and stuff
Step Stool
Cutting Board
Silverware holder solution?
Brita pitcher
36in wide shelf
Shaker style hooks
Lamp for bedroom
Skinny table
*Renters Insurance*
Art Supplies
Filing Cabinet