Ok, I’ve hit a new record with this 2 month lapse here… From my online calendar I can gather that I went to the dentist (no cavities) and a couple birthday parties, worked for 3 days, worked on a proposal with Aug and Kate that we didn’t win, got the artist’s guide delivered, and went to Mexico. I think for a week or 2 there I was on a party binge too.
Anyhow the bigger issues: The Artist’s Guide, I have a good pile of them in our apartment, I was pretty nervous to get them cause I felt I needed to get them all sold in 1 week. They arrived and I felt good about it. I liked the paper and color and all that. I immediately noticed the 5 or 6 mistakes in it though. They’re all my fault and I feel guilty for not catching them, but no one has brought them up to me yet. Some friend and people I’ve dealt with online gave us some publicity and posted us on their blogs and what not. But we’ve sold less than 100 so far, which is depressing to think about. So far I would comment that it was fun to put together, but selling it is a pain in the ass. Anyhow, I do enjoy managing the project and hopefully something like that will come to me in the future as a career option.

Mexico was really great. Probably the first ever vacation I’ve taken that was a real “vacation” destination. Other than tourism I saw no other source of income for the area we were staying. Jennie and I left NY at 6am and got in to Cabo around 3ish. We drove to the house we were staying in, it was pretty amazing. Great views, little pool, great patio for grilling and outdoor bar. loads of windows and all the nice stuff inside the house you would want. We did a pretty good job managing 8 people hanging out together for 7 days. We did all the usual stuff, beaches, fishing, drinking (way too much), dining, etc… The tourist stuff did not really appeal to us, but we gave it a shot and went to some overpriced bars and watched middle aged moms dance to AC/DC and drink $10 watery margaritas. We laughed a lot, but I think I laughed the hardest when Sam yelled at Bethie about some towels. We had a layover in the Dallas airport, it’s a big one.
I just sent off my taxes today, so I’ve bummed about being broke and I should probably get back to work.