Sent a couple paintings off to Portland, Oregon 2 shows. One about the alphabet and the other about dogs. Pretty deep stuff. It was kind of fun though and I’ve been chatting with the dude that put it together quite a bit. Still working off and on at the ad agency. I figure I am in demand there because I work fairly fast and they are always pushing til the last minute to get stuff done. Before Thanksgiving me and Jennie and Brooke went to this show call Mortified where people read from their childhood diaries and school papers. One dude was really funny. When he was a kid he was mad at Ringling Bros Circus for dressing a goat up like a unicorn.

Thanksgiving was good. I ate with friends at Kate’s apartment. Her roommate is a chef, so the food was really good. I drank too much wine and probably embarassed myself. Towards the end I kept saying “hot property” over and over in an Ed McMahon voice. I finally met up with and accountant and I’m trying to get my taxes straightened out. I’m going to owe a lot of money. Lousy no good government.

Still dragging my feet with the artists guide. I really have to get that project wrapped up soon. After that I have to start working stuff for this thing in Chicago Feb. 1. I bought tickets for me and Jennie to go to Mexico with Dave, Leslie, Sam, Bethie and 2 strangers in April. Young Professionals Vacaying. So I have things to look forward to.


I forgot to write that I was on TV last friday too… it was pretty lame.

I worked a lot the past week at the ad firm. I picked up my broken ebay bike. I really like it. It is very tall and fairly light. I’m going to try and get it fixed soon and hopefully get a ride in before it gets too cold. Friday night my nieghbor upstairs had a party. I drank a bunch of vodka and felt terrible on Saturday. Today I shipped some artwork to this gallery in Portland, I hope someone buys it so they don’t have to ship it back.

For Halloween we went to 3rd Ward and saw a show. I had to work til 10:30 that night, which sucked. I got Jennie a globe for her birthday. We went out to dinner and feel asleep early cause we were tired from the night before. Mike, Gino and I went to see Hot Chip on Thurs. We got there really late and basically saw the encore only. After that we went to Decible and drank some sochu and ate some raw fish. After that we went to 151 Rivington and drank. Then drank somewhere else. We were all pretty wrecked. Mike and I got some cheeseburgers on Friday.

Saturday night we ate together again at Lodge with Alexis after I’d spent the day painting a picture of a dog. We then went to Larry Lawrence, and 2 parties after that. Jennie rode in a helicopter, helping her boss take pictures.

Sunday I got up and went to watch August run by in the marathon. Then I had to go into work for the afternoon. I met everyone for dinner at Enid’s. I bought a bootleg of Borat, but it was too shitty to watch. There was a pulsating light the whole time and it was shot from an angle and you couldn’t really hear anything.

Last night I went to this charity dinner thing with Kelly, Jen and Austin. We drank free booze and I got drunk. Then we went a bar where this guy was getting kicked out. He was a big nerd and us other nerds were ganging up on him to get him to leave. We felt pretty tough. I pointed out that we weren’t.

I won a broken bike on ebay that I haven’t picked up yet.

I went to a Pizza Party with Liz, Will, Ingrid, Kelly, and Greg.

Me and Jennie went to see Evil Dead the Musical, it was really funny and made all kinds of references to the inconsistencies of the movie. We got fake blood splattered on us.

Me and August went to see a talk by Yes Men at the Guggenheim, Then to a Nylon party at the Adidas store.

Me and Jennie went to see the movie The Queen.

Mike, Gino, and I watched the World Series

Liz got tickets to the MTVu Woodie awards taping. Ingid and Nato went too. We saw Beck and Tv on the Radio and some celebrities and a lot of youngster who wanted to be on TV. Then we ate some pizza and drank a beer.

Last night I went to a couple halloween parties.

I’ve been working at the ad agency lately.

Josh Jones came to the East coast, but I got too drunk on Friday and didn’t connect with him on Saturday. Me and Jennie went to see her bosses show at the Met and I nearly passed out on the subway on the way back. I was getting some pretty worried looks from the other passengers. I decided again that I should curb the binge drinking. Sometime I look at other non-hung over people on the weekends and wonder what they did the night before. Did they have fun? Some of my friends here were the quiet coffee shop types in college or whenever at some point in time. Now it seems that a lot of what we do is drink too much. I don’t know why that is. Ironically I worked at the ad agency for a week on a Heinekin pitch. It was pretty easy work and they liked me.

I was dog sitting that week and my neighbor who owns the dog decided she’d stay in baltimore for a few extra days. She didn’t bother to call or check in or return any of my phone calls. That dog ended up making me really cranky and cemented my decision to definitely not get a dog. I’m sure some nice things happened too, but I can’t remember them.

I went to a cool bar last night for Liz’s birthday. It was way deep into Brooklyn and Peter played some jazz all night and we went to a diner at 5am. They did not have a french dip sandwich. I dwelled on that for quite some time. I thought it was a standard order.

It’s Saturday, and I kind of just want to watch movies or tv. Baseball is on.

Nothing exciting this last week. Drank too much this weekend. Went to Brighton Beach on Saturday, there are a lot of Russian people living there and they don’t speak English.

Getting frustrated this morning trying to set up a simple blog to post my drawings. Myspace is too slow and I can’t see if I’m being linked.

Went to KS for 8 days starting Sept. 2. Got in and rented our minivan. The price gets higher and higher with each adddtional step in the rental process. Then immediately to Cabela’s. I’ve never been and didn’t expect much, that place was nuts and an appropriate introduction to KS for Jennie. Then on to Lawrence for a quick look around. Ran into Brad on Mass. Came home to the Wam and had a little BBQ. Then on to Todd’s for some birthday beer drinking and to watch sausage creation. I twisted a few links and didn’t think the process was all that gross.

Sunday was a great day — Jennie and I cooked lunch for mom and Scott. That afternoon Jake got the ole flatbottom mud buddy out and we did a little Kaw River cruise over to Chris’ farm. We drank a couple of beers and shot some guns. I’ve never shot clay pigeons before and assumed it would be really hard. I think I had about 50% accuracy. Jennie liked the 22 pistol best, since it didn’t knock her over. That night big Ed had us over for dinner.

Monday my mom went with us out to Grandma’s (she was wound up as usual) and then to the mall to eat lunch and look around. That evening we went over to the Lane’s to hang out and plan our road trip.

Got up early on Tuesday and headed towards Rock City in Minneapolis, KS. It wasn’t too impressive. Some rocks. Might be a nice place for a picnic if you in the area or something. Then on to Lucas. We were there for a few hours. After that we had some food at a truck stop and went to the ghost town of Covert. Next was the largest ball of twine in Cawker City. It started getting dark, so we headed to Hays for the night. There we had a terrible meal at Applebee’s and saw a tranny at the Brass Rail.

Wednesday we went to see the big T-rex toy at the Sternberg Nat. Hist. Museum. Ate some Mexican food and went to Dodge City and Monezuma to the windmill farm. There’s about a half mile stetch of windmills. Stopped in Manhattan and went to the Rock a Belly Deli and Auntie Mae’s.
Thursday cooked all day and had Laner and the Pughs over for dinner. Then we went down the stinkin Lincoln. My mom joined us, as did Jess.

Friday night we went to Puffy’s in Maple Hill. Then for a night out in Lawrence. Saw some of the same characters out, not much has changed other than you can’t smoke in the bars, so they have patios now. We ate at Wheatfields on Sat morning.

Then we headed to KC for the wedding. It was on this really pretty farm and the weather cleared up for the ceremony. Everything was done right, and reflected Matt & Vicki’s personalities. The reception was great, but I got drunker than I should have and now there are pictures of me in my underwear on the internet…

Got kicked out of the hotel at 2pm, ate in Westport and went to the airport to fly back to ny. Just been fiddling around since then. Making some beans today.

Worked at A&E the last 2 weeks. It was pure corporate misery. Revisions, bureaucracy, faceless clients, cubicles, job folders, desk lunches… I was completely drained every day when I got home. I really don’t know how the other people working there keep going. I guess they love shitty television.

In between that we went on a nice little trip to the middle of Pennsylvania. Jennie’s has a friend with house there. Fresh air, swimming pond, trees, hiking. It was good. I’ve signed up for a couple of art shows in the spring, so that is something to work towards.

On Saturday we leave for a week in KS. Seems like the whole time is already booked up with activities.

The other weekend Mike, Nick, Jamie and I went to the beach at Ft. Tilden.

The night before that we all were at this show in industrial Greenpoint. It was in this lunch shack and I found $20 there.

Last week was hotter than a donkey in a pepper patch. I spent the hottest days sitting in the Library down the street, reading newspapers and drawing. It was hard to sleep at night so I generally did not.

Wednesday me and Jennie went to see the movie Little Miss Sunshine. It was really good!

Thursday I met Brooke and Kelly G at Cakeshop to see Free Blood and Prof. Murder. It was ok, Cakeshop is too small and they ran out of all the decent beer. Too many people there. This weekend I saw Hot Chip at South St Seaport. Really good, I wished they’d play a show in a regular venue.

Yesterday I saw Detroit Cobras at McCarren Pool, they were pretty unremarkable. I think the lead singer was wasted. I’ve been seeing a lot of live music. I haven’t been binge drinking in the last couple of weeks. Technically I have probably, but I somehow avoided major hangovers which is my ultimate goal.

Friday I went to see the band Beirut at Bowery with Jennie, Aug, Willow, Jeff B, and Jeff I. It was good. Came home to my house to find a party in my apt. The party was supposed to be on the roof, but oh well. I cleaned up before I went to bed and it somehow caused all kinds of problems.

Saturday I worked on my resume and that night hung out on the Northside at various roofs and bars. The highlight of Saturday was eating tacos at Chipotle. Sunday night we saw the romantic comedy “The Oh In Ohio” and it was a good date movie if your comfortable with the topic of sex.

Then to dinner at B. Wednesday I met Gino at Hiro to see this Danish prog rock band Mew. We went to the afterparty and got drunk. I was hoping I wouldn’t get drunk this week, but the booze was too free. Today I rode my bike.