Tuesday Rich re-arrived from Calif. It was a really hot day and I went to the library to beat the heat — they have wifi there. Went to Southside later to drink some beers.

Wednesday was tourist day with Rich, we went on the Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, then to midtown to eat cheeseburgers at a hotel, see some art. Then we walked to Times Square to take some pictures. We had a beer and came home. That night we went to Motorcity for beers, then to another bar.

Thursday I was partied out. Rich left early this AM.

Hot one here. Went to a French restaurant on Friday for Bastille Day. Had duck leg. Saturday got up and tried to go to Long Beach, but the trains were all messed up (it was not in the stars for me to travel this weekend) so we went to Rockaway again. Got a couple good hours of sun, then we felt 3 sprinkles of rain, and packed our bags. Went to Cheers Thai for dinner, came home and took a nap. Went out to a rooftop party in Bushwick (middle of nowhere) that evening. It was small and there was a band playing. The cops show up and ask for our IDs, which they took and wrote tickets for open container. When I was retrieving my license and ticket I asked “so this is for drinking on private property” and the cop was all “yep” I said thanks and crumpled the ticket into my pocket. They mixed my name up, so the ticket is written out to Cassity Burgess. Be careful if you ever come to NY, Cassity Burgess! I didn’t drink too much but I still had a hangover on Sunday. I went to the park that afternoon, then me and Jennie went to the Strangers with Candy movie. Just got home from dinner with Aug. It’s hot.

I’ve started posting my drawings here: blog.myspace.com/mattcassity

Started a painting. Went out on Wednesday for Brooke’s actual birthday.

Thursday went to “libations” with a bunch of other graphic designer dudes.

Car rental fell though so my plans of getting out of town this weekend are altered.

Thursday July 30, went to see TV on the Radio at Prospect Park. Ran into Peter B. on the subway and we met up with Jennie, Gino, Kelly, and Sandy at the Boat. Sandy hooked us up with VIP wristbands for the show and we got to go to this sectioned off portion right in front. I felt guilty, but not too bad as most of the people up there weren’t fans of the band, but just buddies with someone involved with the park. The show was real rocking. Went to a friend’s for post-drinks, then back to Wburg to a couple of bars where I pretty much blacked out and got home somehow.

On Saturday I flew to Chicago with a couple dudes to meet up with some other dudes. We got there and bbq’d and drank some beers. Then we went to 2 bars and drank more beers. Sunday we fiddled around, drank beers, ate some pizza and went to a honky tonk bar and got drunk. Monday we got out of the house a bit to downtown. The strippers came over at 10. We ordered too much stipper. They were hardcore and we were a little scared. We requested that one read a selection from a book we’d picked out. In the end one of our friends was really fucked up and scream and wrestling around. We were pouring wine, beer and water on him while we had him pinned down. One stripper watched some of this and said “you guys are fucking weird” before she left us. On the 4th we went to the art museum, ate some mexican food, watched kids light fireworks, and watched Robocop.

Got home on Wednesday and Rich met up with me late that night. We had some beers on the roof and traded stickers. Thursday we got some slices and Rich had his big opening in Chelsea. It was a lot of fun and very inspiring for me. Tried to make the afterparty happen at Daddy’s Bar, but the other artists went home early… no big deal for them I guess. We went on to Union Pool and Redd’s and finished plenty of beers. Friday I finally fixed my bike tube. Had a not delicicious burger. Had delicoius thai dinner. Celebrated Brooke’s birthday at Kassidy’s apt. Went on to the Levvee for an unexpected late-nighter. Saturday me and Jennie biked 13 miles to the beach and met up with Aug, Willow, Jeff B., Mike K and guests. Finally stopped drinking that night and watched SNL. Sunday felt like Monday, and I got some work done. I am taking steps to eliminate spam email.

Met Gino at the Persphone’s Bees show at Mercury. Drank 2 beers. Went over to CBGB after that to see this indie/emo boy band, drank 2 beers. Then over to Bowery Ballroom to hang out with Nick, who’d just finished playing a show. The place was sold out, so they wouldn’t let us in. We took some photocopied passes someone had tried to make and stick them to our shirts with gum. We got caught and the bouncer kept asking Nick why he was trying to play him like that. Went to this “secret bar” in some alley and had 2 beers. Then back to Williamsburg to my favorite bar, Southside Lounge. It was pretty smoky, and I didn’t know the bartenders. When I was leaving I saw 2 cops walking in, so I assume they were about to get a big ticket for smoking inside. I was pretty tired today. Had lunch with Mike, Dan, and Jeff at Pies and Thighs, then went to the library.

Drank beers with Gino last night, talked about the band. Got up at 5:45 for some reason today. Jennie dragged a couch in off the street.

Saw this band the Liars on Saturday night, 2 drums and a guitar… thought to myself “I could probably convince some people that the noise I am making is music too.” Proposed the idea to a few people at this party afterwards. Some were into the idea, though everyone was really drunk there. I am bored with drinking beers around here lately. Saw this french action movie last night, District B-13. It featured a lot of Parkour (which is like some next level freestyle walking). Stayed up all night last night, slept all day today.

Raining today, made nachos, took a nap. Drank 7 beers last night while we played with a dog. Saw Nacho Libre Thurs night… it was ok. Went out on Tuesday and got wasted at this place with $1 beers and played foosball, felt terrible on Wednesday. I think I’m going to a concernt tonight.

It became hot yesterday. Been watching movies and listening to music more than usual. Still eating cheeseburgers and pizza and drinking beer. Burnt out on drinking vitaminwater. Ready to get out town for a few days, browsing vacation cabins on the net.

Lorenzo arrived May 24 and left this morning. I think he had a good time, gave himself the tour of the East coast. He loved Coney Island “bellisimo!” It’s been raining a lot. I think today may be partly sunny, so I’m going to make the most of it and look at the internet all day.

The list:

Met’s vs Phillies Game.
Lots of parties.
Jennie got serious food posioning.
Saw the movie Lost City – only ok.
Birthday Dinner, Birthday Party at a bar.
Bad hangover.
Downloaded a lot of music, wasted hours on my space.
Roomate got mugged.
Worked a few days at a big ad agency — felt like a prison.
Slowly working on the artist’s guide (www.theartistsguide.net)