I fell asleep last night around 9 and woke up at 2am… I’m watching videos on the internet.

This weekend… I got drunk

Went to Los Angeles with Jennie the last week of March. It was cool, we did a lot of hanging out, driving around, eating, and observing stereotypes. My main goal was not to talk about the differences between New York and L.A. The main difference to me is that New York is better. Been working with my friend Dan for the water company. I think that is ending soon. I hate making websites. The other day August said that we could probably get by using myspace and flickr alone, and I think he’s right.

I have gotten into the habit of partying hard. I go out, have a few beers then I go into beer suck mode. Where I can’t get them down fast enough and before you know it, it is 4am and I have annoyed plenty of strangers. It is fun.

Today I went to an antique book fair. If you have a 1st edition of Charlotte’s Web, it might be worth $1,500, or a copy of Where the Wild Things Are, maybe someone will pay you $15,000 for that. Who knew?

I bought this pen tablet for my computer last week, It’s cool. I’ve decided not to drink pop anymore. I started riding my bike for exercise, but I already stopped sort of (it’s kind of cold again).

This was taken by the cobrasnake. It was at a men, women & children show at some crowded place in the LES.


Got back from a couple nights at the Hamptons today. Went up there with the whole gang and stayed at Brooke’s bosses’ house. We had a good time, went bowling, ate a lot of junk food, drank beer, etc. Nothing crazy to report. I am beat.


Thursday I went to a party with the people that Kelly work with. There was a semi-famous person there. After me and Jennie went to the bar and played some pool and foos. Friday I was hung over for no reason. Saturday I saw the movie Cache with a bunch of people. It was sold out so we sat in the second row, which hurt my neck. We went to Odessa Cafe after, and I had 2 beers and my head felt like it was going to explode. Monday I tried to go the big library, but it was closed as usual, so I went to see the David Smith exhibit at Guggenheim, walked through pretty quickly. Later Dan came over and we watched a Woody Allen movie… just the two of us, hmm. Tuesday Jennie, Brooke, Meighan and I went to the Broadway musical, The Color Purple. It was really boring. On Wednesday I went to some junk shops looking for an old fashioned answering machine, didn’t find one that worked. I bought a Snoopy glass and when I broke it when I got home. So I bid on a bunch on eBay later. I’m into eBay right now. Yesterday I went to some museums with Jennie then and to a meeting about artists residencies. Tonight I am going to a rock show. I think.

Sunday Night

Job interview was no good. The job is very uncreative in an environment that has a veneer of creativity. Soul-sucking. I was trying to decide if I should email them to tell them no pre-emptively, but I am pretty sure they won’t hire me anyhow. My lack of enthusiasm probably showed through my nods and smiles. Thursday night I cooked a mediocre dinner. Friday I met Kelly for happy hour. The bartender overheard us talking about books and recommended The Game which I’d read about somewhere. Went over to my old apartment where August and Dan were preparing their shopping cart for the idiotarod, which is like the dog-sled race in Alaska, except that it is humans with shopping carts wearing crazy costumes drunkedly racing across NYC. Met up with Gino late that night. He was hammered and I was not. Actually didn’t have a hangover on Saturday. Me and Jennie went uptown to see some art, shop, and have some chain restaurant pizza. That night a bunch of us went to the same building where the party was last weekend and went to a differnt party. It was pretty good. I ran out of beer and found a bottle of gin. It got worse after that. Do not go down gin alley. Of course I felt like shit today. I forced myself to go to the outsider art festival, it was really great stuff, but I was so hungover it was hard to enjoy. Slept the rest of the day and had a cheeseburger brought to me.

I Need Work

I think the major issue driving my insomnia is not having a job. Waking up, then walking to my desk to check my email and maybe work on something, then doing some other meaningless thing here and there is not really a great way to spend your day. I am not fully convinced going to some job I might not care about is all that great either but at least there is some physical activity and interaction with other human beings involved. The way I see it I can do 3 things; 1. get a job, 2. leave the house more (it seems like it cost money to step out the door though) 3. work in a more focused manner at home (not going to happen). I’ve got an interview coming up in a few hours at noon. I am going to look tired. Rented ‘Bullets Over Broadway’ tonight — another Woody Allen movie. I’ve got a couple leads on people wanting web sites done. I hate making web sites for people. I’m not in a bad mood, I’m just complaining a lot.


Saw Match Point on Wednesday with Mike, Brooke, Jennie, and Alex. Me and Jennie went to dinner after and there was a good all-girl fiddle band in Moto. Thursday I met with a new client, making a little web site for a photographer. It will be easy, but getting her to give me the work to put on it is going to take forever. Friday I bought some new jeans. That night we watched tv and ended up going out a bit later, went to 2 bars. I wanted to have a lot of fun, but ended up having only a little. Saturday I was hung over for no good reason. Jennie cooked some chili in the crock-pot. We all went to this bar and played some foosball, then off to some techno party that everyone ended up at eventually. Around 3am we went back to the bar and played more foos until 5:30. Sunday I was even more hung over. I think I watched tv for 10 hours straight including the kung fu hustle bootleg I’d never been able to sit through. Today I got up late. Tried to go to this lecture that was way sold out. Ended up hanging out at Karyn and Kelly’s.

I have had this cough since January 1. It feels like there is liquid in my lungs, I’ll get on a good hacking kick and get dizzy. I don’t really mind though. The 2 Tylenol PM I just took are starting to kick in…goodnight.


I am up early. There is someone sleeping in our second living room near the kitchen. It is annoying. I am pretty sure it is my roommate’s boyfriend’s friend. Does that makes sense to you? Me neither. I didn’t sleep at all on Sunday night, but it didn’t really bother me as I got a lot of reading and thinking done and I didn’t seem to miss much Monday as I slept.

Went to the bar last night to watch the KU basketball game. There were some other former art students watching it there too. I should have been friendlier to them. The game was really terrible. I don’t really have the right to complain about them since I haven’t watched a game in about 2 years, but it sure looked sloppy. After that went to have a cheeseburger and some beers with Brooke. It was a cold walk home.

I am really into boiling eggs right now. I think it is time I start cooking more. Send me some recipes–I bought a crock-pot.