These pigeons were eating a chicken nugget.

Took it easy for most of the week. Had a very strange form of back pain. Hard to describe. Saturday was a Hit Factorie Band Practice. Then went and saw a tiny house. Then ate some tacos. Then went to a birthday party. Then Glasslands. Drank too much. More photos on my tumblr.

A History of Violence. This was a dramatic movie. Kind of reminded me of that one movie where this guy kills a bunch of people.

By Brakhage: An Anthology. Some kind of art shit. I turned it off.

The Good Night. Matt Blume recommended this to me. It has the guy from the British office.

The Hangover. Leaving the theater this dude claimed that this was the “best movie of the summer.” I suppose he meant the upcoming summer. There were funny moments. Zach Galifanikas might end up being some kind of star now.

Trash. Another Paul Morrisey film produced by Warhol. A couple of junkies. The dude can never get it up cause he’s always on the dope.

2 thoughts on “

  1. I should have warned you about By Brakhage…
    It’s probably a good movie to watch while you’re distracted by the interwebs, though.

    I thought The Hangover was very very funny, whatsthemattawityou?

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