Went up to Dia Beacon for I duno how many-th time. There was day drinking for KR’s bday. Things have been fairly relaxed. Went to this thing on a Tuesday evening, No Lights No Lycra. Just dancing in a dark church basement for 1.5 hours. Locked myself out of my apartment last weekend for a couple days, missed a day of P90X on account of that. Had drinks and snacks on Sarah G’s rooftop Friday. Emily fed me lunch on Saturday, went to a BBQ of Mike K’s friend that night for more free food. Had a windy, cold bike ride home. Trying to ride my bike and put off buying a metrocard until my second pay period of the month.

We Live in Public — Doc about one of the first internet entrepreneurs. Crazy times in NYC in the late 90s.
Death at a Funeral — Nothing special.
A Serious Man — I seriously don’t know where this movie was going.
Gran Torino — Clint Eastwood is an old racist who at heart is only kind of a racist.
Internet has returned to my apartment, so I’ve been watching Treme and Season 3 of Breaking Bad.

Click for movie

Last weekend there was a birthday party on Friday. I wore a suit. Saturday was another successful FEAST. No chaos, great food, raised lots of $. Went for beers after, but didn’t last long as we’d been drinking all afternoon while we worked.

Yesterday KR and I went to the movies, then to get ramen, then to a fancy tour of the NYPL, then I got snuck in to the Patti Smith talk. She talked about literature and Robert Mapplethorpe and sang a few songs. Not your average everday typical work day right?

I put my vegetable plants outside on my fire escape today. Hopefully they will turn into food someday. Also I’ve been doing my exercise videos pretty regular. Brock made a video to prove it.

The Edge of Heaven — German. One of those movies with parallel stories where everything connects in the end. Pretty good.

The Fireman’s Ball — A madcap comedy romp … in Russian!

Dillinger is Dead — popped it in and realized I’d already seen it. FFW’d to the end.

Extract — some funny moments, but not what I was hoping for.

Sex, Lies, and Videotape — I think maybe I’d seen this on TBS in the past. Was okay. Mostly lies.

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men — Movie based on a DFW book. Was okay.

Rear Window — Old Hitchcock classic with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly.

Glengarry Glen Ross — A movie based on a play about salesmen. No women.

Jerry Baker’s Gardening Tips — This old kook mixes up all kinds of tonics for his garden. The only info I really took from it was to soak seeds in a weak solution of tea.

Brilliantlove — saw this at the Tribeca Film Fest. Didn’t like it. Sick of the bohemian artist dude in saggy white briefs walking around scratching himself pretending to be oblivious to the rest of the world cause he’s so eccentric.

Earth Days — the history of Earth Day. Caught it on PBS. Enjoyed it.

Washington Square Park. Around 2 in the afternoon on a weekday. Totally packed!

KR and I did a little research trip to various toy stores around the city. Toys—they’re all junk.

A few of us from work went to this warehouse in NJ last week where they have all this vintage plates and stuff from restaurants, diners, and hotels. Lots of great type. Why don’t restaurants have personalized plates anymore?

The other weekend, Sandman, Willow, Aug and I took the train up to Brewster and rode our bikes back towards NYC on this long trail. The first half was really pleasant. Then it more hairy the closer you get to Gotham. Pretty fun and I sure was tired at the end of the day. 60 miles in all. I wore my special shorts. The night before that I went to a party with Dan. It was at a semi-famous artist’s studio. There was free food.

Last Tuesday I went to an opening with Aug at MoMA. We skipped the art and had cocktails in the garden. On Friday I went to E River Bar to see Ryan C off to California. Saturday there was a potluck. I brought cornbread. Sunday was real nice and Aug and I went to this comic zine thing.

I bought some exercise DVDs and have been jumping around in my apartment most every night.

For All Mankind — really incredible doc using NASA footage of the Apollo program.
Happy Go Lucky — okay. I was hoping it’d be amazing.
Revolutionary Road — the actors from Titanic. But not on a boat, and fighting a lot.

In March I went to several birthday parties. One in Atlantic City, the rest in Brooklyn. I bought a TV too.

The Garden — Doc about an urban garden in South Central. Compelling and frustrating.

Down Terrace — British contemporary mafia movie. Good for the Dialogue. But not great.

The Long Goodbye — Very 70s. Not great.

Once Upon a Time in America — Pretty good if you like real long mafia movies like I do.

The Informant! — I heard the real story on TAL 2x and found that more engaging than the movie. Aren’t I sophisticated!?

American Experience: Nixon — He meant well.

2001: A Space Odyssey — Fell asleep every time I attempted to watch it.

Oyster Farmer — Mediocre Australian movie.

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Runnin’ Down a Dream — 4 hours of Tom Petty. This guy is a straight forward rock and roller.

Sleeping Dogs Lie — Strange, dark rom-com.

Best Boy — Depressing documentary.

The Passenger — Jack Nicholson goes to Morrocco and gets all mixed up.

Went to Philadelphia the weekend before last. It’s a cinch to get down there and we had a real nice time doing practically the same kinds of things we do here in New York. Went to see Kate at UO HQ. Ate some mexican foods. Went to various bars. Watched movies. Cracked jokes. Watched Dave fall down. Everything you could wish for.

Last Wednesday August gave me tickets to a play starring celebrities like Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell. It was live action humor.

This weekend I ate tacos. Went to various bars. Saw Yoni play. Watched movies. Went to parties.

The Long Goodbye — Robert Altman movie I didn’t get much out of.

Theodore Roosevelt: American Experience — This guy kept himself busy by being president. Liked war, and shooting tons of animals.

Truman: American Experience — He was kind of a wet noodle at first. Really into his wife, who seemed like a killjoy for the most part.

Time Out — French movie about a guy who doesn’t really have a job, but says he does.

His Girl Friday — Old movie that is supposed to be one of the best ever. It was okay.

Big Fan — Patton Oswalt in a serious role.

Tyson — Mike Tyson is insane.

The Godfather — The Godfather.

2 weekends ago was FEAST. It may have been our most attended yet. I took a couple days off work on account of working too hard in Jan. Bought some running shoes. That’s something I am going to be into now. I been a few times and can for about 20 minutes before I’m too winded.

Last weekend I had some friends over for dinner on Fri. Sat I pickled at A&W’s. Then partied at Em’s. Sun I ran and saw Rain Machine at Glasslands.

Paper Heart — The documentary part was more better than the fiction part.

Digital Nation — Frontline documentary. Embrace the internet!

The Yes Men Fix the World — These guys are the best.

Malcom — Australian movie about a shy guy that is good at tinkering.

She Hate Me — Spike Lee! You suck!

Trilogy of Terror — Top Quality B Movie starring Karen Black.

FDR: American Experience — This guy was born rich and president 4 times and he got polio!

Semi-Tough — Burt Renyolds and Kris Kristopherson in a football movie that was really a send up of that “est” seminars that I saw the documentary on a while ago. Not a good movie.

Last week we wrapped up another crazy deadline. Working late nights and weekends. But we did it. They can’t take that away from us at least. Anyhow, be on the look out for a book about rock and roller Joan Jett sometime in March. The Friday before last Sandman had a Logan’s Run themed birthday party. It was real fun. Saturday I went to a movie in 3D. This last Friday I went out and got dangerously drunk on account of working so hard. You work on this book and read all about partying rockers and you think you gotta go out and be a partying rocker. But then you realize you’re not a rocker — you’re a book maker. Take it easy man. That’s what you should do.

Avatar 3D — Cliché story and characters. Cool visuals.

Broken Embraces — Pedro Alvomor movie with Penelope Cruz. She is pretty.

Benjamin Franklin — 3 hr PBS special. Pretty good.

Breaking Bad Season 2 — Man this show is depressing. I mean it is really a downer.

Logan’s Run — Watched the first half in order to get the gist.

Shane — I kept seeing this on a lot of people’s favorite movie ever list… I thought it was only okay.

Fritz the Cat — 70s cartoon. Lots of filth and stuff. Even though Fritz came first, I think Dirty Duck was better.

Dreams on Spec — Follows 4 screenwriters in Hollyweird. It’s a tough business.

A Farm for the Future — Kind of a cool notion that talks about bad plowing and fertilizing are and how much food you can harvest from dense, forest gardens.

Brock made this video for FEAST. We’re trying to raise a little money to cover the operating costs for the year. I hope we reach the goal. If we don’t we don’t get any of the $ pledged.

So the weekend before last, Liana had a party. It was fun. Sunday I went to Kristen & Yoni‘s for a pizza festival. It tasted good and was fun.

I was stuffed up all last week, but I nipped it pretty good using sleep and various pills.

Friday I went to a party in Williamsburg. It was full of cool people that were almost too cool to have fun. They liked getting their picture taken. It was okay though. Saturday night I went to an opening at Artist’s Space. (Wow that triangle on their site is obnoxious!) Saw some cool stuff like Ray Johnson letters and a photo mural of Burrough’s bunker apartment. Sunday I had a few people over for lasagna. It was good and I hope to continue the practice of hosting guests.

The Lady Eve — Rented this cause I like Henry Fonda. Was okay.
The Apartment — Jack Lemmon & Shirley MacLaine in what was advertised as a funny version of Mad Men. Good movie.
Together — Non stop action in a Swedish commune. Recommend.
Alice’s Restaurant — Pretty good movie about that long ass Arlo Guthrie song.
Weeds Season 5 — This show is a waste of time. I do like depictions of gang culture though.
This Emotional Life — Watched online. Episodes 1 & 3 were the best. Overall pretty interesting. The big takeaway: you need social interactions.
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln — Watched online. Terrorism way back when.

Groceries Purchased — 2009
48.15 lbs Bananas
46.95 lbs Apples
3.81 lbs Pears
.45 lb Green Beans
3.9 lbs Tomatoes
1 package Cherry Tomatoes
1 bunch Celery
1 Grapefruit
4 Red Peppers
.9 lb Grapes
1 Butternut Squash
1 Acorn Squash
19 heads Lettuce
16 Avocados
7 Lemons
1 Carrot
21 loaves Bread
15 packages Parmesan Cheese
28 packages Cheddar Cheese
3 tubs Cottage Cheese
2 packages Mozzarella Cheese
2 packages Ricotta Cheese
9 tubs Yogurt
1 can Cream Corn
2 packages Cornbread Mix
20 boxes Veggie Burger
1 box Veggie Chicken
3 bottles Dish Soap
1 can Generic Comet
4 boxes Crackers
1 gallon Cranberry Juice
1 gallon Milk
2 cans Tomato Sauce
4 jars Mustard
2 boxes Lasagna Noodles
5 Dozen Eggs
4 boxes Pasta
2 cans Cannelli Beans
17.81 lbs Popcorn
3 jars Cous Cous
1.84 lbs Olives
3 bottles Canola Oil
9 jars Peanut Butter
Bay Leaves
4 jars Jelly
10 rolls Toilet Paper
4 boxes Spaghetti
3.55 lbs Onions
12 bulbs Garlic
3 jars Mayonnaise
2 packages Frozen Peas
1 package Frozen Lima Beans
1 package Frozen Peas & Carrots
4 boxes Butter
3.03 lbs Granola
5 packages walnuts
4 jars Olive Oil
2 boxes Tea
2 pkgs Lentils
1 bunch Spinach
1 package Frozen Spinach
12 Cucumbers
24 cans Beer
Pita Bread

Cashier Names

I also participated in 1/2 of a farm share this summer.

December Events
Surprise screening for Brock’s videos. Carl / Sara party.
Willow bday drinks.
Was sick for about 2 weeks.
Cookie Party.
Sarah G’s last night at Beer Table. Locked the door after hours and played charades.
Christmakkuh dinner with Laura S’s friends on xmas eve. Nice evening. Lots of food and jokes.
Spent xmas day watching Goodfellas and The Departed. Made lasagna. Very Italian American day.
Ended up working a few days between xmas and NYE. A busy January in the forecast.

New Year’s Eve Events
Laura K came in from Chicago. Rented a minivan from Park Slope. Scooped up my people. Made pretty good time getting up to North Adams. Frenzy from the beginning. Scramble for beds. Pizza ordered. Beer run. Backed in to someone on the street in front of the liquor store. Not sure how that’s going to pan out. I think it’s the first accident of my life? Everyone arrived and we headed to the Mezze Lodge for our fancy night. Pretty interesting to see about 30 of my friends dressed up in front of a fire place drinking cocktails and being catered to. Are we rich now? Anyhow, it was all very picturesque and there was dinner, then dancing, then more dancing back at the house. Had a headache on Jan 1, but it wasn’t debilitating. Spent the afternoon at MASS MoCA rehearsal space drawing and making the installation. MRO & DMP were very kind to bring us homemade tamales (maybe my favorite food after pizza) from TX. That night after MAFIA we went back to the rehearsal space for the performance. It was very successful. Then improv choreography at the house that night. Jan 2 I was pretty beat and laid low. Jan 3 we got up and went to the museum. Very good art all around, really enjoyed the Guy Ben-Ner videos. Reminded me that Hit Factorie needs to document our activities more. Kind of a bumpy ride home, but after I heard about some of the other cars experiences I think we did pretty well.

World’s Greatest Dad. Fairly good. Robin Williams is not annoying in a sort of indie movie.
Funny People. I really liked it, but it was pretty long.
The Best of Youth. 6 hour Italian miniseries. Follows 2 brothers midlives. Makes you ponder your own existence. Especially if you’re turning 30 soon.
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul. German Fassbinder movie about racism. Sort of a less gross Harold and Maude.
Whatever Works. Woody Allen movie. Entertaining.
Videodrome. Cronenberg movie about reality TV, made before there was reality TV. Debbie Harry is really hot in it.
Opera Jawa. Japanese opera.
Heroes for Sale / Wild Boys of the Road. A double feature of 30s depression era stories. Found them watchable. As usual mostly enjoyed the street scenes.
Goodfellas & The Departed. …